Let me start by wishing all of my readers a prosperous start to 2025! I hope you enjoyed your holidays and feel optimistic about the new year. One event that caught my attention is the resignation of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau yesterday. He has been serving in the role for 9 years. Although I was aware of some pressure for him to leave his post, I wouldn't have expected it would actually happen. The vast majority of Canadian Prime Ministers have completed their full terms. However, with these types of career changes the 10th house always becomes activated and that is exactly what happened here: For changes to career and public status, we would look at the 10th house and its significators (MC, MC ruler, MC dispositor, planets in the 10th house). Justin has 27 degrees taurus on the MC, with Saturn conjunct at 0 degrees gemini. Venus is the ruler and is placed at 3 degrees aquarius and the dispositor could be either saturn (traditional) or uranus (modern) at 17 degrees libra. Highly significant is the fact that on September 1st 2024, uranus turned retrograde at exactly 27 degrees 15 minutes Taurus, just 1 minute conjunct Justin's MC at 27 degrees taurus 16 minutes! Uranus is the planet of out of the blue, unexpected and sometimes shocking events, and when it combines with the MC, it can relate to your career, public standing, reputation, social status or parental figure (some say its the father, and IC is the mother but others believe the MC-IC axis in general relates to the parents.) Uranus making that conjunction to the MC can easily relate to a massive career change but whether it is experienced as good or bad depends on the expectations and desire of the person. If a planet turns retrograde on the exact degree of your angle or planet it always means that something major is about to occur with that planet's role in your chart. As mentioned in my previous post, days that planets turn retrograde and direct can be significant for developments of a narrative going on in your life at that time.
Events can be very precisely timed as we observe plenty of exact aspects from the inner and outer planets, which must all line up in a certain way to correlate with what is happening on the earth. Why did the resignation occur yesterday? Because the outer planets are like the hour hand and the inner planets like the minute hand to time events. Transiting neptune at 27 degrees pisces made an exact sextile within 6 minutes to his MC. Neptune in contact with the MC can give a sense of confusion, being scattered, not too sure about one's next steps. It can relate to a sense of dissatisfaction but a lack of clarity as to what the next steps may be. Transiting pluto which represents transformation, is making an exact trine to his saturn and a 2 degree conjunction to his venus, signaling a major overhaul to his career priorities. What was considered okay to him before reached a tipping point where he realized the pressure was too much and not worth the sacrifices and toll involved. Pluto's transits symbolize death and rebirth, and cut deeply into the subconscious mind where fundamental beliefs, values and goals in a person's life change. The eclipse that happened on Oct 2nd 2024 was at 10 degrees libra, making a conjunction to the modern dispositor of the 10th house uranus at 17 degrees libra. Transiting saturn at 14 degrees pisces made a quincunx (minor hard aspect) to his uranus which further triggered the unexpected change. On Jan 6th 2025 when the resignation was publicly announced, transiting sun at 16 degrees capricorn made an exact square to uranus, transiting mercury at 27 degrees sagittarius made an exact quincunx to the MC, transiting venus at 3 degrees pisces made a square to his saturn at 0 degrees gemini and an exact semisextile (minor hard aspect) to his venus. Gemini is intercepted in his 10th house and currently jupiter is moving retrograde through his 10th house. Jupiter does relate to fortune, luck and blessings, so you may wonder why did the resignation occur when jupiter was in this house? The answer may be in Justin's evolving priorities and what he considers to be most important in life. He went through his separation from Sophie in August 2023, where they started to live apart which no doubt put a huge strain on his mental and emotional health. With the current difficult economic climate, many are blaming him for things that are out of his control. I speculate that he began to realize the importance of focusing on family, and that the rewards of being in his position no longer justified the toll it was taking on other areas of his life. Maybe the transit of jupiter relates to finding more fulfillment in another career role that is less demanding. Natally, the fixed star algol, which many believe to be the most malefic fixed star in the zodiac is closely conjunct his MC. It is symbolized by a head cut off at the neck and brings with it misfortune, aggression and even violence and danger. Saturn conjunct the MC can make one take a responsible, methodical and dutiful nature to their career. These people usually are willing to work long and hard hours to make their vision a reality, and usually lay a strong foundation to be successful. On the other hand, saturn delays and puts obstructions in the area of the chart it is found in. Gemini is also intercepted in the 10th house (the whole sign is in the 10th house) and saturn being in an intercepted sign tends to make one self critical and trying to cope with feelings of not being good enough, or even being too harshly criticized by others. I've noticed that it can be harder for individuals with saturn conjunct the MC to gain positive career recognition, and when they do, it is later in life than would otherwise be warranted or it is not to the degree that should have occurred for most others in a similar position. At times, it can give a lack of popularity or a reputation for being too rigid, serious, demanding, or uncompromising. By December 2024, just over 20 percent of Canadians polled approved of him. Saturn conjunct the MC does not deny career success as we can find numerous examples of people at the top of their field with this population. In contrast, psychologically they may feel they have to work a lot harder than everyone else for the same rewards or it is easier for other people to succeed. In Justin's case with algol conjunct the MC, it was two challenging features in relation to his career and symbolized a fall from power. Justin has a natal mars opposite pluto aspect within a few degrees which can relate to power and control struggles, ruthlessness, aggression and forced ultimatums. People may experience this energy as having a lot of power over others, feeling that others abuse power over them, or even experience both energies at different times and/or with different people. With hard aspects between mars and pluto there can be a sense of feeling threatened, and the enemy or other side out to take everything from you. In his solar return for 2024/2025, mars is opposing pluto closely conjunct the AC-DSC axis (planets on angles gain in prominence on the themes for that year) and in the sky right now, mars opposes pluto within a tight orb. This is symbolic of the pressure his own party put on him to resign, people whom he felt should have been more supportive, as well as increasing pressure from the public not satisfied with his economic decisions. For instance, I know the two month tax holiday and the $250 tax rebate for many workers have been criticized as measures that are not affordable. Chrystia Freeland (former Minister of Finance) resigned partly because she felt the aforementioned measures were not appropriate and that Justin did not take enough action against Trump's threats of putting a 25% tariff on Canadian goods in the US. I believe he may have continued in the position but pressure from so many sides made him feel forced to leave, which is the energy of the mars-pluto opposition activated. When you see aspects repeating in transit, in your progressions, solar return and in the sky, you know that the chances become much higher that you will experience that energy in your life. The transits and SR can only activate a natal promise at particular times in your life. Changes to his earned and shared income can be seen through the second-eight house axis, which is 25 degrees virgo and 25 degrees pisces, this axis was affected to the exact degree by the September 18, 2024 lunar eclipse at 25 degrees pisces. Uranus at 17 degrees libra was impacted by an eclipse in October 2024 and on September 21, 2025 there is a solar eclipse at 29 degrees virgo which is exactly opposite his mars in the 8th house. The 8th house can also relate to changes in his net worth as the divorce settlement comes into play. The 8th house is money that is shared with others, commonly marital assets, inheritances and business partnerships. His jupiter at 21 degrees sagittarius as dispositor of the 2nd house and traditional ruler of the 8th house will be affected by a close square from the eclipse on March 14, 2025 at 23 degrees virgo which also forms a 2 degree conjunction to his second house cusp. When there are changes in public standing/ career or marriage/ divorce that also come with changes in income, there are usually eclipses to the 2nd-8th as well as 4th-10th axis (career-home)or 1st-7th axis (long term relationship/marriage) in a short period of time. Justin will stay on as PM until a new leader is chosen, which there currently is no timeline for. At the same time, he has made up his mind and as indicated by the alignment of the stars he is destined for a new career direction. I would imagine it is very difficult to stay on in the role if he is feeling the need to constantly fight internal battles within his own party, and now to worsen matters the thought of dealing with Trump who believes that Canada should be the 51st state. This comes after Trump threatened very high taxes on imported Canadian goods, making it really hard for Canada to maintain positive relations with him. Our next leader must have to have a very strong stomach to deal with the crazy comments and behaviour coming from the President down South! It's nutty he refers to Chinese and Russian ships that are no where to be found and nuttier that some people will actually believe this. I hope Justin takes this time to focus on his mental, physical and emotional health and to spend time with his kids. It is easy to criticize what people did wrong but its also nice to focus on what they did well. Many factors remained out of any one person's control and with the addition of Trump taking office, a lot of things are up in the air. He could have done particular things more effectively and mistakes were made but overall I believe he did as good of a job as he knew how to while in office, raising a young family at the same time. There is plenty of time to continue to learn and grow. I thank him for his service to our country.
January 2025
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