The year 2023 is a number 7 year. The world year gives general information about trends and energies operating on a global scale and that affect everyone, regardless of their personal year number. The number 7 is about philosophy, studying, reading, connecting with a higher power- God or whichever name you choose for the divine. Even if you are not spiritual or religious, you will likely find yourself contemplating the more challenging questions in life. In a personal year 7, (the personal year is adding your month and day of birth to the current year), many people find themselves doing a lot of writing, studying, teaching and/or contemplating. They may spend more time alone, in philosophical/ spiritual pursuits or in nature. Research, analysis, problem solving and investigation are favored. When 7 is the world number, we observe a greater tendency for this energy to dominate in the collective.
In the number 7 world year, people will need more alone time, even people who are usually social butterflies. It is not that people will stop socializing but that they will need more recharging time and they will enjoy being alone more. When people get together, they will want to have discussions about deeper matters, the questions and topics that really matter to them. There may be a new trend to spend more time in nature, going on hikes, visiting parks or simply cultivating or spending time in a garden. Being in nature reconnects us to the simple life and the inherent beauty that God has created. It also encourages people to slow down, breathe and clear their mind of unnecessary worry, anxiety or guilt. Practices like yoga and meditation will become more popular during a 7 year as people are interested in spiritual growth and attaining more peace and harmony in their lives. It is a good idea to mindfully listen, not just with our ears but with our hearts. The universe is constantly trying to send us messages that will guide us on our authentic path but we are usually so caught up in the never ending stream of thoughts that constantly flood our mind that we don’t hear them. In a 7 year, people start to more deeply understand the connection between body, mind and spirit and how if one is unhealthy it negatively affects the other two. There will be less emphasis on being “busy” and more thought put into consciously spending one’s time in order to live a meaningful life. The energy this year is useful for reconnecting with yourself, reordering your life so that you feel you are fulfilling your dharma- your purpose in life. The focus should be on spending quality time with those who matter the most and making time to be alone, just reflecting on where you were, what you are doing now and what you should be doing in the future to maximize your potential.
“How do you say goodbye to something like 50 years in television?” she said in conclusion. “How proud when I see all the young women who are making and reporting the news. If I did anything to help make that happen, that is my legacy. From the bottom of my heart, to all of you with whom I have worked and who have watched and been by my side, I can say: ‘Thank you.’ “ On December 30th 2022, trailblazing U.S. journalist and creator of The View, Barbara Walters passed away peacefully at age 93 at her home in New York. She paved the way for so many other women in journalism with her prestigious career spanning over five decades. Oprah Winfrey, Robin Roberts, Maria Shriver, Katie Couric and several others wrote beautiful tributes to her. I admired her ability to ask hard-hitting questions with grace, honesty and empathy, a rare skill that few journalists possess today. She showed bravery when interviewing powerful people, holding them accountable and striving to get the truth to her audience. She broke a lot of barriers and encouraged women from all over the world to do the same. I share my analysis of her Astronumerology chart to pay my respects to her as a legend in her field. Barbara has made a lot of ‘firsts’ in her career and is a trailblazer in every sense of the word. Although she doesn’t see herself as a trailblazer, the world certainly does. Katie Couric says of Barbara, “She was an early ballbuster, and I mean that in the nicest possible way,” “She rattled a lot of cages before women were even allowed into the zoo.” I watched her on an episode of Oprah’s Master class and her story certainly is an inspirational one. Barbara attributes her success to knowing how to properly use her luck, which she acknowledges she got a lot of, as well as her determination to overcome obstacles. She says of her career, "It has been an absolutely joyful, rewarding, challenging, fascinating and occasional bumpy ride and I wouldn't change a thing." I think the secret of my success is that I persevered. I didn’t give up. I didn’t say this is a lousy job, and I’m unhappy, and I’m going to quit. I went through the tough times, and they were tough. And I was fortunate that I came out on the other end.” Barbara has a Libran ascendant. The ruler of the ascendant is Venus and at 29 degrees Leo, Venus makes an exact conjunction to the fixed star Regulus. Regulus is a benevolent star giving courage, a significant rise in status from birth, power, authority, wealth and association with influential people. Venus makes a trine to the Moon, ruler of the career house (10th house) and a trine to Mercury, dispositor of the 10th house. Therefore, the positive attributes of Regulus extend into her career. The Sun is placed in Libra making a tight conjunction to the Ascendant from the 12th house. People who have the Sun so close to the ascendant tend to have their light shine forth brightly on first impression. The warmth and glory of the Sun is reflected as a personality with much creativity, vitality and heart. Because the Sun is placed in the 12th house it gives her the talent in bringing hidden matters to the surface, she is able to tap into the collective unconscious, understand what the public wants to know and then skillfully design her questions with the intention of obtaining that information. She was quoted as saying “Wait for those unguarded moments. Relax the mood and, like the child dropping off to sleep, the subject often reveals his truest self”. The Libran Sun gives her the relationship orientation, tact, diplomacy and social skills needed to conduct in depth, intimate interviews. The sign on her MC is Cancer. This gives her the ability to make people feel at home and to put them at ease in interviews. She is sensitive to their needs. She notably leaves a positive impression on the people whom she interviews even though she asks many tough questions in a direct way. The ruler Moon is placed in Gemini, meaning that for her to feel comfortable she must be allowed her freedom to express her thoughts and ideas. She thrives on engaging in conversations about a wide variety of topics. Barbara enjoys constant learning and filling her mind with new knowledge. The Moon is placed in the 9th house indicating that foreign travel, culture and people will play a big role in her career. Indeed, she has travelled all over the world having interviews with leaders and other notable people worldwide. Her breakthrough came when she went to India and Pakistan with the First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, after which she was given significantly more responsibility at the network. Her good fortune in foreign travel and interviewing foreigners can also be partly attributed to Jupiter being placed in Gemini in the 9th house. The Moon is closest to the MC. I find that people who gain mass popularity often have the Moon connected with their MC in some way. This is probably because it gives intuitive understanding of the needs and wants of the public. The planet of transformation, Pluto, is placed in her 10th house. Pluto is the researcher, investigator and analyzer, always digging until they get to the core of issues, the truth behind the secrets and to the very heart of people. Pluto is power, control, death and rebirth and rising up from the ashes. Pluto in the tenth house shows some of these themes prominent in the career. Her need for control in her interviewing career is reflected in her statement "When you're interviewing someone, you’re in control. When you're being interviewed, you think you're in control, but you're not." Many of the people she has interviewed have experienced significant shifts in public perception after being on the show. Barbara’s exact Mercury-Mars conjunction in the first house gives her the skill of using words to get her point across in an articulate yet direct manner. Mercury-Mars does not waste time in idle talk, they cut to the chase and have little patience for beating around the bush. This is a sign of a very sharp mind, quick learner and there is a skill for expressing oneself both orally and via the written word. Sometimes Mercury-Mars can be too cutting, blunt or aggressive with their words so the fact that this conjunction occurs in peacemaking Libra softens this tendency. Mercury is stationary in her chart showing its immense power. Stationary planets are very concentrated in their energy and often give a person a highly unusual gift in the planet’s domain. In her case, we can easily see that her talent for communication and broadcasting has made her one of the most powerful and respected women in the world. Since her 10th house ruler is the Moon in Gemini, Mercury becomes the dispositor of the house. Further, Mercury makes a square to Pluto in the 10th house so we see why Mercury is critical to her career. The Mercury-Pluto square gives her endless curiosity, skill for analyzing behaviour, the talent and skill to probe right to the core of the issue, an investigative mind that is interested in the truth and nothing but the truth. Her words have a transformative impact on people. Uranus in the 7th house is making a conjunction to her descendant and clearly shows the pioneering nature of Uranus applied to one on one relationships (7th house). The connection of Uranus with her career can be seen in the one degree trine between Moon (ruler of 10th house of career) and Mars (ruler of 7th house of one on one relationships where Uranus is placed). Uranus also makes a 2 degree quintile to the Moon showing that engaging with people one on one, especially Uranian type people, could play a role in her career and public standing. Among her “firsts” and record breakers
Uranus near the 7th house cusp can also be interpreted by her interviewing Uranian type characters: larger than life personalities, trailblazers, highly original and inventive thinkers, people with outstanding accomplishments that set them apart from the crowd and generally people who society term out of bounds for better or for worse. She has interviewed every U.S. president and First Lady since Richard and Pat Nixon, the Dalai Lama, Margaret Thatcher, Oprah Winfrey, Hugo Chavez, Barbra Streisand, Fidel Castro, Muhammad Ali, Lucille Ball, John Wayne, Anwar Sadat, Fred Astaire, Ringo Starr, Audrey Hepburn, Katherine Hepburn, Willie Nelson, Henry Kissinger, Walter Cronkite, Muammar Gadhafi , Jay Leno, Clint Eastwood, Whoopi Goldberg, Michael Jackson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Vladimir Putin, Tom Cruise, Anna Wintour Bashar al-Assad, Shah Reza Pahlavi, Jiang Zemin, Vladimir Putin, Beyoncé Knowles, Angelina Jolie, Tina Fey, Truman Capote, Maria Callas, Tiger Woods, Andre Agassi, Yitzhak Rabin, Indira Gandhi, and Bing Crosby among many others. The vertex is a point that represents fated encounters with people and events that forever change your view and experience of the world. In her chart, the vertex makes a one degree conjunction with Uranus showing that her destiny was fulfilled through these Uranian one on one interviews. Numerology Life path 1: This is the life path of people whose purpose it is to strike out on their own, be pioneers and blaze new trails. They are excellent leaders and desire to take risks and try out innovative ideas. They are independent and do their best work on their own, where they have full creative control. Number 1 corresponds to the Sun in astrology and we saw the Sun’s prominence in her chart. She likes to shine brightly and to have people respect and admire her, she is happiest when they do. Her intensity number is also 1 and accentuates her confidence, competitiveness and drive to be at the top. Birthday 7: People born on a 7 day have a mind that is particularly suited towards research, analysis and investigation. They are excellent thinkers and like to contemplate the bigger questions in life. They are observant of people and can be questioning and critical at times, however this can be useful for improvements that society needs. They are detail oriented and can be perfectionistic, never stopping until everything is just right. Number 7 people like a certain amount of solitude, being in nature refreshes them. Birth Name: Barbara Jill Walters Expression and personality 22/4: This double influence can be seen in her willingness to work hard, the long hours she puts in to her work and the many personal sacrifices she has made for her career. Number 22/4 vibrates to Uranus and we have seen that Uranus is angular and prominent in her personality. Number 4 likes to build structures, they will implement their plan in a pragmatic fashion. They have good vision and set goals that are admirable but still achievable. This belief can be seen in her quotes “’One may walk over the highest mountain one step at a time” and “work harder than everybody. You’re not going to get it by whining and you're not going to get it by shouting, and you're not going to get it by quitting. You're going to get it by being there." Number 22 is the Master Builder and likes to leave a legacy. She is quoted as saying “"I can't tell you how much pleasure it gives me when some smaller, young woman comes up to me and tells me of her achievements. That's my legacy". In another interview she says “But the fact that I persevered and succeeded in what was so much a man’s world- the world of television news- gives me great pride. That’s my legacy, it’s not a particular interview I did. That’s nice, but who cares? It’s that maybe I made it easier for the next woman." Soul urge 9: Number 9 has a talent for understanding different people from a diverse range of backgrounds and being able to get along with them. They appreciate people’s differences and genuinely try to understand their beliefs. Number 9 has a desire to change the world for the better and help people who are disadvantaged. Barbara’s humanitarian side can be seen in her generous contributions to various charitable organizations. |
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