Gandanta points are transitions between water and fire signs in Vedic astrology. These are 29 degrees Pisces to 0 degrees Aries, 29 degrees Scorpio to 0 degrees Sagittarius, and 29 degrees Cancer to 0 degrees Leo. These points are associated with a lack of boundaries, specifically the boundary from the earthly to spiritual realm. Thus having one or more of these points is extremely favourable for tremendous spiritual growth and progress in this lifetime, cutting through the veil of maya and having a profound transformation that impacts your life and the lives of many people around you both directly and indirectly. It makes a person intuitive, mystical, and more connected with subtle energy. It is an exclusive door into another dimension, and powerful for spiritual discernment. To give an example, Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi, had Mercury at 29 degrees Scorpio in Jyestha nakshatra. These illuminating times of boundary crossing into increased wisdom can be predicted when an outer planet such as Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, or Jupiter make a close transiting aspect to the gandanta point. At this time, the person will have a chance to untie the knots of karma that leads them to a major breakthrough in consciousness level. However the process can be linked with considerable trauma, struggle, and upheaval, maybe even a dark night of the soul.
January 2025
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