With the announcement of the Royal Baby, Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge being born recently, I thought it would be intriguing to take a look at the future King’s Astronumerology chart. With such a prestigious position to fill, I would expect that this must be an unusually powerful and unusual chart. Indeed, I see that this chart is of a King who will definitely make an admirable and longstanding impact on the global scale!!!
Astrology There is an enormously significant Pluto/ Scorpio influence in this chart: 1. The ascendant is at 27 degrees Scorpio. 2. The eighth house is the natural house of Pluto and Scorpio. There is an eighth house stellium: Sun, Mercury, Mars Jupiter, and Vertex. 3. The eighth house ruler Mercury is in the house, adding extra strength to this powerhouse. 4. Pluto makes 6 aspects to the planets, ( 4d opposition to Jupiter, 4d opposition to Mercury, 5d sextile to Saturn, 3d square to Uranus, 4d opposition to Mars, 5d sextile to Neptune), an exact opposition to the Vertex and a 3d sextile to the North Node. 5. The 12th house and 1st house cusps, Saturn and the North Node are all in Scorpio, adding even more to the strength of the Scorpio influence. I can confidently say that the traits of Scorpio and Pluto will be fiercely potent in the Prince. This Pluto/ Scorpio influence focuses on transformation, intense/ extreme experiences, secrets, inherited wealth, powerful legacies, mysteries, interest in the occult, sex, death and rebirth. This shows an individual who is very mysterious, complicated and deep, what you see is definitely not what you get. There will be a lot of things going on under the surface, and the prince is likely to never tell anyone about them. The Pluto/Zeus midpoint is on the ascendant at 27 Scorpio as well. With no doubt, he will be a powerful physical presence, with an intense gaze, an air of mystery and charm and he will have an extreme sexual appeal. He will do nothing half way, always preferring all or nothing scenarios. Be careful not to wrong him, he won’t get mad, he will get even with the famous Scorpio sting! The aforementioned eighth house stellium planets are in Cancer and they are intercepted. Cancer is also the chart signature and therefore its traits will be very strong in the Prince. These planets in Cancer will give the tendency for the Prince to be home loving, family oriented, hospitable, sensitive, nurturing, patriotic, a tenacious protector of loved ones, have an excellent memory and be sentimental. However, Cancer people can also be moody, passive aggressive, slow to forget past hurts, take things too personally, withdrawn and indirect. Mercury is at 13 Cancer, a critical degree. Mercury represents the way we think and communicate, our expressive style. This critical degree suggests that he will have very high emotional intelligence and be an excellent listener. He can “feel” the emotions behind what people say and can tell whether they are being sincere or tricking him! Chart ruler Pluto in Capricorn is intercepted in the second house. The Moon in Capricorn is also intercepted in the house. The chart ruler represents first impressions and the way we look at the world. It is people’s perceptions of us when they don’t know us that well. When the chart ruler is intercepted, it could be that other people forcefully try to “tone down” the person or that the person feels they cannot act naturally in front of others for the sake of keeping up a proper appearance. Since the moon is intercepted in Capricorn, it gives the tendency to repress emotions and “keep a straight face” in all situations. The person feels they have a duty and obligation to always be strong and calm. Mars is out of bounds at 23 degrees 54 minutes. For more information on out of bounds planets, click here. When Mars goes out of bounds, the person has a lot of added masculine energy and testosterone. It can make them extra competitive, aggressive or assertive, having talent for high energy contact sports, enjoying high risk activities such as skydiving, bull riding, create desire for high power and status and have strong will and determination. They will not hesitate to fight for their personal rights or the rights of loved ones if something is not fair. Mars conjunct Jupiter within eight minutes is this chart’s closest aspect. This gives a lot of enthusiasm, vigor, optimism and confidence when expressing ideas. These people are entrepreneurial in spirit, willing to take calculated risks and put all their energy into their pursuits. They always have the belief that they will succeed and because our thoughts create our reality, they create success most of the time! Good channels for expressing this naturally high vitality and sense of adventure would be travel and healthy competition. Cardinal sign focus: 7 planets in cardinal signs. This abundance of cardinal signs suggests someone who has a lot of leadership ability. People look up to them because they are talented at assigning people tasks that make the best use of their natural skills. They are excellent at coming up with innovative, fresh ideas and starting the ball rolling on plans. They won’t wait for something to happen, they create their own opportunities. Dominant house modality: succedent- is a nice complement to the cardinal sign focus. The succedent influence adds the stick to it power, the follow through on plans and ambitions after the initial innovative ideas. Gives strength of will, determination and perseverance. Water element focus: 6 planets in water signs. Emotions and feelings run very deep for someone with a water focus. They experience a very wide range of emotions and can be quick to change them. Water people are sensitive, empathetic, intuitive, and good listeners. They have the ability to read nonverbal language especially well and “feel” what other people feel. Chart shape: Splay- Points to diverse skills, interests and hobbies. These people like to have a lot of variety in their activities. 9/ 10 of the planets are in feminine signs- Gives the tendencies toward introversion, sensitivity, thoughtfulness, quietness, gentleness. Saturn makes 7 aspects with the other planets and a 1d semisquare to the MC. Saturn is very well integrated in his psyche. This makes him disciplined, ambitious, determined, a hard worker, strict, authoritative, and responsible. However, on the negative side so many Saturn aspects can put a lot of obstacles in his path, make him too rigid, pessimistic, put up too many boundaries in addition to being too faultfinding and serious. Numerology According to the Prince's birth certificate, his name is George Alexander Louis (1). We do not count "His Royal Highness" or "of Cambridge" as that is part of a general world title, only personal names are included in the analysis. For information on how to calculate the core numbers and a description of each number please click here Birthday number: His birthday is on the 22nd of the month. Number 22 is a master number and is termed the master builder. It is the number of the visionary leader- a person who sees things that are far ahead of the time in which they live and because of the secondary 4 influence, has the willpower and determination to make sure these visions are practically implemented into the real world. These projects can include special buildings, humanitarian organizations, large scale movements, the possibilities are endless. There is a very strong inner ambition to make his mark on the world and live up to the high potential of this number. There is an enormous reservoir of creative genius just waiting to be used! Life path number of 8: With a life path of number 8, power, status, worldly success, wealth and control are very important to him. The Prince will be very aware of his position within the hierarchy and be very comfortable in a position of authority and leadership. Soul urge number of 1 and expression number of 1: With this double influence of 1, the Prince has enormous leadership ability and wants to be the best at what he does. He is very independent in thought and action and will no doubt be a trailblazer. He will be competitive by nature, and enjoy the thrill of the chase. He will enjoy doing things on his own and autonomy is essential. There is a great strength of will and determination to succeed at all the goals he sets for himself. However on the negative side he may be too bossy at times and become self centered and selfish. Personality number of 9: With a personality number of 9, other people view him as having a global view and being interested in humanitarian efforts. He will be helpful and generous with people and they will come to him for advice. Other people will see him as a broad minded and tolerant person who is interested in being fair to everyone. Number 9 also has a natural leadership ability and people respect what they say. However, he will have a somewhat hard time forgetting the past and may take a long time to forgive others for past mistakes. We can see from the Prince’s 5 core numbers that he is a natural born leader, 4/ 5 of his numbers are the “leader numbers” and the other number is a master number. The numbers 1, 8, and 9 are the numbers with the greatest leadership ability and in particular we see the combination of 1 and 8 in a disproportionate number of the world’s most powerful people. The Prince’s intensity number is 5. With 5 as the intensity number, travelling, communicating and continuous learning will be very important to him. He will greatly enjoy traveling to foreign cultures, meeting foreign people and understanding their way of life. He will have a strong sense of adventure and curiosity. There are no number 2s in his full name (number of lack is 2). This suggests that he will have a hard time working in a team, and will have to work on his diplomacy. He will have difficulty seeing things from the other person’s perspective in intimate relationships. Other people may at times feel that he doesn’t care enough about their feelings. However, given that he has four cancer planets and number 2 is Cancer’s number, these tendencies will be toned down somewhat. The first letter of his first name is 7 (G). This will give the influence of being able to concentrate and analyze situations in detail. He will need a lot of time to be by himself and simply think about things as he is naturally introspective. It also adds an interest in philosophical matters. In summary, we have a Prince who will be an excellent leader and a trailblazer. He will be sensitive and gentle, yet brave and independent. He will be mysterious and powerful, you will never really know what he is thinking but he will be a force to be reckoned with if you wrong him! He has excellent strength of will, determination and ambition. We will surely see his visionary ideas implemented in his time and he certainly shall not be forgotten in the history books to come!
January 2025
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