Let me start by wishing all of my readers a prosperous start to 2025! I hope you enjoyed your holidays and feel optimistic about the new year. One event that caught my attention is the resignation of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau yesterday. He has been serving in the role for 9 years. Although I was aware of some pressure for him to leave his post, I wouldn't have expected it would actually happen. The vast majority of Canadian Prime Ministers have completed their full terms. However, with these types of career changes the 10th house always becomes activated and that is exactly what happened here: For changes to career and public status, we would look at the 10th house and its significators (MC, MC ruler, MC dispositor, planets in the 10th house). Justin has 27 degrees taurus on the MC, with Saturn conjunct at 0 degrees gemini. Venus is the ruler and is placed at 3 degrees aquarius and the dispositor could be either saturn (traditional) or uranus (modern) at 17 degrees libra. Highly significant is the fact that on September 1st 2024, uranus turned retrograde at exactly 27 degrees 15 minutes Taurus, just 1 minute conjunct Justin's MC at 27 degrees taurus 16 minutes! Uranus is the planet of out of the blue, unexpected and sometimes shocking events, and when it combines with the MC, it can relate to your career, public standing, reputation, social status or parental figure (some say its the father, and IC is the mother but others believe the MC-IC axis in general relates to the parents.) Uranus making that conjunction to the MC can easily relate to a massive career change but whether it is experienced as good or bad depends on the expectations and desire of the person. If a planet turns retrograde on the exact degree of your angle or planet it always means that something major is about to occur with that planet's role in your chart. As mentioned in my previous post, days that planets turn retrograde and direct can be significant for developments of a narrative going on in your life at that time.
Events can be very precisely timed as we observe plenty of exact aspects from the inner and outer planets, which must all line up in a certain way to correlate with what is happening on the earth. Why did the resignation occur yesterday? Because the outer planets are like the hour hand and the inner planets like the minute hand to time events. Transiting neptune at 27 degrees pisces made an exact sextile within 6 minutes to his MC. Neptune in contact with the MC can give a sense of confusion, being scattered, not too sure about one's next steps. It can relate to a sense of dissatisfaction but a lack of clarity as to what the next steps may be. Transiting pluto which represents transformation, is making an exact trine to his saturn and a 2 degree conjunction to his venus, signaling a major overhaul to his career priorities. What was considered okay to him before reached a tipping point where he realized the pressure was too much and not worth the sacrifices and toll involved. Pluto's transits symbolize death and rebirth, and cut deeply into the subconscious mind where fundamental beliefs, values and goals in a person's life change. The eclipse that happened on Oct 2nd 2024 was at 10 degrees libra, making a conjunction to the modern dispositor of the 10th house uranus at 17 degrees libra. Transiting saturn at 14 degrees pisces made a quincunx (minor hard aspect) to his uranus which further triggered the unexpected change. On Jan 6th 2025 when the resignation was publicly announced, transiting sun at 16 degrees capricorn made an exact square to uranus, transiting mercury at 27 degrees sagittarius made an exact quincunx to the MC, transiting venus at 3 degrees pisces made a square to his saturn at 0 degrees gemini and an exact semisextile (minor hard aspect) to his venus. Gemini is intercepted in his 10th house and currently jupiter is moving retrograde through his 10th house. Jupiter does relate to fortune, luck and blessings, so you may wonder why did the resignation occur when jupiter was in this house? The answer may be in Justin's evolving priorities and what he considers to be most important in life. He went through his separation from Sophie in August 2023, where they started to live apart which no doubt put a huge strain on his mental and emotional health. With the current difficult economic climate, many are blaming him for things that are out of his control. I speculate that he began to realize the importance of focusing on family, and that the rewards of being in his position no longer justified the toll it was taking on other areas of his life. Maybe the transit of jupiter relates to finding more fulfillment in another career role that is less demanding. Natally, the fixed star algol, which many believe to be the most malefic fixed star in the zodiac is closely conjunct his MC. It is symbolized by a head cut off at the neck and brings with it misfortune, aggression and even violence and danger. Saturn conjunct the MC can make one take a responsible, methodical and dutiful nature to their career. These people usually are willing to work long and hard hours to make their vision a reality, and usually lay a strong foundation to be successful. On the other hand, saturn delays and puts obstructions in the area of the chart it is found in. Gemini is also intercepted in the 10th house (the whole sign is in the 10th house) and saturn being in an intercepted sign tends to make one self critical and trying to cope with feelings of not being good enough, or even being too harshly criticized by others. I've noticed that it can be harder for individuals with saturn conjunct the MC to gain positive career recognition, and when they do, it is later in life than would otherwise be warranted or it is not to the degree that should have occurred for most others in a similar position. At times, it can give a lack of popularity or a reputation for being too rigid, serious, demanding, or uncompromising. By December 2024, just over 20 percent of Canadians polled approved of him. Saturn conjunct the MC does not deny career success as we can find numerous examples of people at the top of their field with this population. In contrast, psychologically they may feel they have to work a lot harder than everyone else for the same rewards or it is easier for other people to succeed. In Justin's case with algol conjunct the MC, it was two challenging features in relation to his career and symbolized a fall from power. Justin has a natal mars opposite pluto aspect within a few degrees which can relate to power and control struggles, ruthlessness, aggression and forced ultimatums. People may experience this energy as having a lot of power over others, feeling that others abuse power over them, or even experience both energies at different times and/or with different people. With hard aspects between mars and pluto there can be a sense of feeling threatened, and the enemy or other side out to take everything from you. In his solar return for 2024/2025, mars is opposing pluto closely conjunct the AC-DSC axis (planets on angles gain in prominence on the themes for that year) and in the sky right now, mars opposes pluto within a tight orb. This is symbolic of the pressure his own party put on him to resign, people whom he felt should have been more supportive, as well as increasing pressure from the public not satisfied with his economic decisions. For instance, I know the two month tax holiday and the $250 tax rebate for many workers have been criticized as measures that are not affordable. Chrystia Freeland (former Minister of Finance) resigned partly because she felt the aforementioned measures were not appropriate and that Justin did not take enough action against Trump's threats of putting a 25% tariff on Canadian goods in the US. I believe he may have continued in the position but pressure from so many sides made him feel forced to leave, which is the energy of the mars-pluto opposition activated. When you see aspects repeating in transit, in your progressions, solar return and in the sky, you know that the chances become much higher that you will experience that energy in your life. The transits and SR can only activate a natal promise at particular times in your life. Changes to his earned and shared income can be seen through the second-eight house axis, which is 25 degrees virgo and 25 degrees pisces, this axis was affected to the exact degree by the September 18, 2024 lunar eclipse at 25 degrees pisces. Uranus at 17 degrees libra was impacted by an eclipse in October 2024 and on September 21, 2025 there is a solar eclipse at 29 degrees virgo which is exactly opposite his mars in the 8th house. The 8th house can also relate to changes in his net worth as the divorce settlement comes into play. The 8th house is money that is shared with others, commonly marital assets, inheritances and business partnerships. His jupiter at 21 degrees sagittarius as dispositor of the 2nd house and traditional ruler of the 8th house will be affected by a close square from the eclipse on March 14, 2025 at 23 degrees virgo which also forms a 2 degree conjunction to his second house cusp. When there are changes in public standing/ career or marriage/ divorce that also come with changes in income, there are usually eclipses to the 2nd-8th as well as 4th-10th axis (career-home)or 1st-7th axis (long term relationship/marriage) in a short period of time. Justin will stay on as PM until a new leader is chosen, which there currently is no timeline for. At the same time, he has made up his mind and as indicated by the alignment of the stars he is destined for a new career direction. I would imagine it is very difficult to stay on in the role if he is feeling the need to constantly fight internal battles within his own party, and now to worsen matters the thought of dealing with Trump who believes that Canada should be the 51st state. This comes after Trump threatened very high taxes on imported Canadian goods, making it really hard for Canada to maintain positive relations with him. Our next leader must have to have a very strong stomach to deal with the crazy comments and behaviour coming from the President down South! It's nutty he refers to Chinese and Russian ships that are no where to be found and nuttier that some people will actually believe this. I hope Justin takes this time to focus on his mental, physical and emotional health and to spend time with his kids. It is easy to criticize what people did wrong but its also nice to focus on what they did well. Many factors remained out of any one person's control and with the addition of Trump taking office, a lot of things are up in the air. He could have done particular things more effectively and mistakes were made but overall I believe he did as good of a job as he knew how to while in office, raising a young family at the same time. There is plenty of time to continue to learn and grow. I thank him for his service to our country.
2025 will be a life changing year for many on an individual level and rapid, unexpected developments on a global scale with Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter all switching signs within a 9 month period. This is a rare alignment of planetary energy, given how slowly the outer planets change signs. Pluto can stay in a sign for 12 to 30 years. Pluto made it's final entrance into Aquarius on November 19th 2024, having been in Capricorn since November 26th 2008, 16 years. It will not change into Pisces until 2044. Neptune stays in a sign on average about 14 years. Uranus stays in a sign for about 7 years. Saturn stays in a sign about 2 and a half years. Jupiter changes signs about every 12 months. As you can see, to have Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter all change within 9 months (November 2024 to July 2025) we can expect that 2025 will be a year for the history books. If you also have natal planets and angles being triggered by the 2025 eclipses, this is even more powerful for you.
People who have 29-0 degrees of any sign in their natal chart will be very much impacted in that area of life, particularly if you have 29 degrees Pisces or 0 degrees Aries because both Saturn and Neptune will cross those degrees by conjunction. In addition, 0 degrees Aries is a critical degree of new beginnings as its the first degree of the zodiac, further evidence that 2025 is fundamentally different from any prior year. To illustrate, say you have Venus at 0 degrees of a sign, it is in your 9th house and rules your 3rd and 10th houses, then matters of the 3rd, 9th and 10th houses, as well as the general significations of Venus will be pronounced in your life next year. You will experience major changes to your career/ reputation (10th) as well as love life/ social life/ comfort level (Venus). You may take a trip to a foreign country that could heavily impact your philosophy and belief/ value system or you may go back to school or get involved with a legal case (all 9th house matters). Or, you may experience lots of changes to your immediate environment, short distance travels and/or with your extended family (3rd). I am referring to the degrees in western astrology in this article. I'd say that in 2025 laws, codes, ways of living, cultural norms and expectations will be forever shaken up, with things we have taken for granted no longer taken for granted. It is not inherently good or bad, it's just that the old ways of living no longer work and changes must be established. It won't be a good year for those who dislike change and surprises because 2025 will be full of both. Like all major changes in history, things must reach a tipping point before they change direction to make way for real progress. With artificial intelligence being used more and more in many fields, and humans being replaced with machines and robots in numerous settings including restaurants, grocery stores and dollar stores, people are wondering how their ability to make a living may be impacted. I was shocked to learn that in Canada, there were more than 2 million visits to food banks in March 2024, the highest number in recorded history. This year Canada sought to curb immigration levels for the next 3 years by reducing the number of permanent immigrants due to concerns about high cost of living, housing that has become unaffordable and inadequate social services. We have seen a huge rise in multigenerational households in cultures where that is not the norm, primarily due to people in their 20s and 30s unable to buy homes. I've personally seen sales at certain retailers that haven't been so low in the last 10+ years. Perhaps they can't create enough demand for services and products they had no problem selling at traditional prices in the past because of the changing economy. At this point in history there are actually more people who are not married than those who are statistically speaking due to a variety of socioeconomic changes in the last 5-10 years. It seems now that instead of being a rite of passage to adulthood, it is a choice to get married and/or have kids. Canada's fertility rate was at an all time low in 2023. I'm sure that in each area of the world, there have been reversals to long standing trends and expectations in the last year, which will only increase in the coming year. With the rise of social media shedding light on the inequities in business and in society, who has power and privilege, and who does not, it paves way for increased discussion on topics that were repressed before. Fear has been used by dominant media for a long time to control the masses. When people are stuck in feelings of fear and anxiety, it is harder to think critically about what is really going on behind the scenes and whose agenda is being pursued at the expense of others. It has come to light that the existing ways of doing things are creating riches for the very few at the highest levels of society, with the increasing majority not being able to share in the abundance and security. Unless people take action, this will be the way things will always be. Fortunately, Aquarius is the sign of brotherhood and sisterhood, groups and collectives working together to create change for humanity. Aquarius hates hierarchies, and seeks to break them down with people from all backgrounds and walks of life working together and understanding each other at a deeper level. Aquarius loves strikes, protests and demonstrations! With Pluto's entrance into this freedom loving sign, I hope to see rapid evolution in human rights around the world. Awareness has been created and hopefully will lead to action that results in more equity in society. Days when planets turn retrograde and direct can be significant on an individual and collective level, so it's good to mark them on your calendars and observe what happens those days. Even if important developments don't occur immediately during those times, the ideas, reflections, meetings with people and conversations taking place often are connected to more important events later on. Neptune will go into Aries on March 31st 2025 and will retrograde back to Pisces on October 23rd 2025. Neptune does not permanently enter Aries until January 27th 2026. Uranus enters Gemini on July 8th 2025 but retrogrades into Taurus on November 9th 2025 and doesn't permanently enter Gemini until April 27th 2026. Saturn enters Aries on May 26th 2025 but will retrograde into Pisces on September 2nd 2025. Jupiter enters Cancer on June 10th 2025, it retrogrades on November 11th 2025 and doesn't permanently enter Leo until July 1st 2026. What do you think 2025 may bring astrologically on an individual or collective level? Please let me know in the comments! We are in the midst of eclipse season and I can feel the powerful energy of the total solar eclipse on April 8th falling at 19 degrees aries. Eclipses are a time for rest and reflection, for letting intuition guide you and having a day where you turn inwards. Journalling, meditation, yoga, writing, reading and learning about self-development or spirituality are favoured. If you can take the day or half day off, please do so because using the powerful energy to engage in self-analysis will be more fruitful than usual.
Eclipses bring erratic and unstable energy so it's best not to make major decisions or launch projects, or schedule major life events at this time. Lots of changes, a fair amount of the time of the dramatic variety, and sometimes unexpected things will happen around these months and the few months surrounding it. The last time we had an eclipse at this degree was April 8th 2005, and it was a solar eclipse. The eclipses this year are close to the degrees that were eclipsed around 2005/2006. As a result, the eclipses this year will bring similar themes and astrological house focuses as was happening in your life at that time. To gain insight as to what these eclipses may bring, look at the house axis in which they fall. In which houses do 5 degrees libra and 19 degrees aries fall in your chart? If conjunct an angle, making a close hard aspect to a planet (conjunction, opposition, square) or conjunct a house cusp, the effects will be noticeable in your life to a much greater degree. The eclipses will show the nature of the planet being activated, as well as the natal aspects and the house that it is in. For instance, if your venus is eclipsed, it will bring somethemes of venus (love, romance, beauty, sensuality, finances, relationships, self-confidence, self-worth, values, creature comforts, art, entertainment) and it will also bring the themes of the house venus is in. If venus is in your 10th house it will influence your career or public status. If it is in your 4th house, it will affect home and family. Then you may consider the natal aspects that venus has; if you have an exact square from venus to saturn it will be a more difficult experience than if your venus is trine jupiter or mercury. Someone who has a venus-saturn square usually has difficulty expressing affection spontaneously, doesn't take enough time for having fun with a partner (too much focus on the duty aspect in love), or witholds parts of themselves in relationships due to fears and anxiety they have. The condition of your planet by sign position (own sign, exalted, detriment, fall) can influence what happens, as can the nature of the sign itself. A planet in gemini will have a focus on the way you think and communicate, the way you express yourself. The moon is not happy in its fall sign of scorpio and will bring difficulty when eclipsed relating to turbulent emotions. Finally, if an eclipse activates a planet, it can influence the house(s) that the planet rules or is the depositor of. If your venus is eclipsed and taurus is on your 10th house cusp and libra is on your 3rd house cusp, then 3rd and 10th house matters can also rise to prominence. If you have your saturn in taurus in the 6th house, then venus is the dispositor of saturn and if venus is eclipsed it can bring up matters connected to the 6th house. In my chart, 5 degrees libra is conjunct my south node in the 3rd house and 19 degrees aries is conjunct my jupiter at 22 degrees aries in my 9th house. Jupiter's natural house is the 9th. Jupiter as well as the 3rd-9th house axis represents foreign travel and foreign cultures. Just yesterday, I finalized the booking of my trip to Maui, Hawaii for two weeks in late May/ early June. I first visited Maui at age 16 and it made such a long-lasting, beautiful impression in my heart that it remains my favourite destination in the world. It falls close to my Venus-ASC line in astrocartogaphy and I timed the trip so that Jupiter would make an exact conjunction to my relocated ascendant, will make an exact conjunction to my venus and I will also experience my venus return while there. The lines will always be felt when you travel but you can enhance them further by travelling when the transiting planets are making the appropriate aspects. Astrocartography has been the main focus of my research since the beginning of this year, when I made a decision that I should be travelling much more often. In line with the 3rd-9th house axis activation (representing communications and publishing), I decided to get my psychotherapy website re-designed, and I'm looking forward to publishing it in the coming months. The mercury retrograde is going to be felt more powerfully than usual as it occurs during eclipse season and is currently in transit towards an exact conjunction with the eclipsed degree, 19 degrees aries. Mercury will be exact on the eclipsed degree around April 15th to 17th when in retrograde and then again direct motion around May 4th-6th. To take precautions for what can be tricky mercury retrograde effects, double check all contracts before you sign and read the fine print. Be sure you have the correct locations, dates and times for your appointments. Ask yourself if you really understand what people are saying whether it is verbally or in written form, and don't make assumptions. Ask questions if you are unclear or something was not explicitly agreed upon. The chance for miscommunications and misunderstandings are higher, as people may later realize they were not on the same page due to expectations that were not clearly set in the beginning. Sometimes unforeseen glitches can arise with electronics. Somehow, on March 31st, the day before mercury retrograde started, a computer update was done (without my awareness) which deleted all the files in the 'my family' section in my solarfire software, which contained hundreds of charts. I have not been able to retrieve them but I also have all birth data saved in my Vedic software so all is thankfully not lost! Mercury retrograde can be a reminder to backup all your data to prepare for these types of surprising and at times weird occurrences when they happen out of the blue. Avoid buying electronics during this time as unexpected problems tend to arise later. Around April 8th-10th transiting venus will make an exact opposition to the eclipsed degree of 5 degrees libra. It can bring about something connected with the March 25th eclipse. To illustrate that symbolism, I am getting professional photography done on the 9th, and my neptune (represents photography) is in close square to the eclipsed degree. Around April 19th-21st, transiting jupiter and uranus will make an exact conjunction. This is typically a fortunate transit where most people should receive a boost of luck, an amazing opportunity or even a windfall (if you have a windfall written in your natal chart). This conjunction encourages a sense of adventure, excitement, and taking risks that can add vitality and joy in your life. It can give you the motivation to break free of previously held constrictions or self-limiting beliefs/ self-sabotaging behaviours. Look to the house of your chart where 21 degrees taurus is to see where it will be felt. If you have planets or angles around 17-25 degrees of the fixed signs you can feel this auspicious conjunction as well. Update (April 13th): Thank you for the warm aloha spirit of my Hawaiian clients. I was not planning to do any readings on my vacation but some of you contacted me as a request and I was able to coordinate May 27th for all day in person readings. I currently have one opening at 9am that day and I will be in Wailea for that segment of my trip. If you are interested in reserving that spot, please email me for details and location. Update (April 15th): The May 27th at 9am session has been taken. If you are still interested, please email to be on the waitlist if a spot opens up on the 27th or if you would be available on May 28th. One of my lovely Hawaiian clients has generously offered to pay for one reading for a lucky reader of this blog. To be considered, please send an email describing what you have learned from my website, membership plan, self-study courses or past readings/classes with me, which reading you would like, and why you should be selected for the reading. I will accept entries until May 12th and the reading will take place in June. The winner of the contest will be notified by email by May 15th. Entries can be sent to [email protected] How are you experiencing eclipse season this year? Feel free to share in the comments. I am pleased to announce my latest course, Finding Financial Abundance using Astrological Timing Techniques. I have planned for it to be released just as I am leaving my venus dasha and moving into my sun dasha on October 19th, after 20 years of experiencing the splendor of venus in my chart. The sun is the ruler of my second house in my rasi chart, which represents earned income and it is placed in my eleventh house, which is a dhana or wealth producing yoga. When you step into a new dasha, it is like stepping into a brand-new chapter of your life. Today, I am thankful for the all the blessings and lessons venus has offered me and am ready to move into the new energy of the sun.
I believe when you are blessed, the best way to show thanks is to share with others and it is for that reason, that I donate 50% of the fees from my memberships, manuals and courses to various charities. Charities I have donated to include those whose mandate is to give food and shelter to those in need, assisting animals in need, and assisting women and children in third world countries. By learning astronumerology with me, you are gaining information to improve your life and you are also improving your own karma by giving to those in need. This course is different from what I traditionally offer because I share with you my personal tips to make the shift into an abundance mindset, and to use the transits and timings based on your natal chart to maximize your money-making potential. In this course, it is not just me teaching, but sharing as an active owner of multiple businesses, strategies that led me to have a seven figure net worth of my own. Money is a karmic feature in the natal chart, meaning that there is a range of income that is available to you at different times in your life, yet it is not entirely predetermined. One can use their free will to be operating at the higher end of their natal potential. So not everyone can be a millionaire, but everyone can take action to ensure they are reaching their highest money-making potential that is unique to them. Everyone can take steps to get rid of a scarcity mindset, to clear self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviours that influence their relationship with money. Making money is good for you and for everyone around you and it all starts with an intention to create more prosperity in your life. In this course, there are suggested exercises, resources and activities for you to do, and I share how to discover which astrological periods are best for doing them based on planetary triggers to your chart. It is best to take it when you will have at least 20-30 minutes a day for at least a month to do the homework. How do you create an abundance mindset in your life? Have you noticed self-sabotaging behaviours around money? Let me know in the comments below. Eclipse season is here again, and I can feel the increased energy and anticipation in the air. The eclipses are October 14th at 21 degrees libra and October 28th at 5 degrees taurus. If you have angles, the nodes or planets placed at 16-26 degrees of the cardinal signs and/or 0-10 degrees of the fixed signs these eclipses will have a stronger influence in your life. For everyone these degrees will fall into a house and will influence matters governed by the house. The eclipse October 14th is a solar eclipse, focused on new beginnings and opportunities and the eclipse on October 28th is a lunar eclipse focused on releasing what no longer serves, endings and closure. The October 28th eclipse is the last in the series of seven eclipses on the taurus-scorpio axis, the first being November 21st 2021 at 27 degrees taurus and the rest of them occurring all through 2022 and one in spring 2023. Whichever axis taurus-scorpio falls for you in your chart will receive some type of conclusion this fall/winter. Whichever axis aries-libra falls in your chart will start to come into more focus for the next few years. Eclipses do not foretell stories by themselves and are neither 'good' nor 'bad'. They simply indicate a major change, whether expected or not, in your life. To understand the nature of these changes we must look at transits, progressions, solar and lunar returns, solar arc directions along with various other pieces of information to tell the story of what is likely to happen in your life. To illustrate with an example, let's look at the natal chart of Kevin Costner and his wife Christine Baumgartner. Kevin has been in the news lately as his wife filed for divorce on May 1st 2023 after 18 years of marriage. They have two sons and a daughter. Christine's birth time is not available so we are using 12pm; note that the houses for Christine's chart, as well as the composite and davison are not correct because individual, composite and davison charts rely on birth times. Nevertheless it is useful to see how the eclipses affect the planets so I am posting them here. I am including the secondary progressed (SP) and converse secondary progressed (CSP) charts of Kevin so you can see the planets relative to angles and house cusps. Christine's birth time is unavailable so the house cusps are unknown. This is Kevin's second marriage, and because of this we are examining the 9th house which represents the second marriage. The first marriage is the 7th house. The 7th house will always influence all marriages to some extent, whether it is your 1st, 2nd or 3rd but it is wise to study the 9th house for second marriage and 11th house for third marriage too. There is a lunar eclipse September 17th 2024 at 25 degrees pisces and recall that all eclipses start to have influence about 12 months prior to their occurrence. This is significant because Kevin's descendant is 25 degrees pisces and his divorce was finalized September 19th 2023. I have many times found that when an eclipse falls exact or within a very tight orb on an angle or planet, that there is something that occurs symbolic of that angle or planet about 12 months before the eclipse date and in this case it is almost exactly a year before in the same week.
The hard transiting aspects of uranus tend to bring surprising, sudden and sometimes shocking events, many times these can feel like a sledgehammer giving us something we don't want but feels forced from external circumstances beyond our control. At the time of the filing of divorce, transiting uranus was making an applying conjunction to Kevin's natal 9th house cusp and when their divorce finalized on September 19th it formed an exact conjunction to his 9th house cusp. In the CSP chart for May 1st, you can see uranus is making an exact conjunction to the ascendant, showing that in that year there is a high likelihood for an unpredictable event having global changes of a permanent nature in his life, probably perceived as a shakeup to the person. There is the possibility of a break in his marriage with it being the 1st-7th house axis. Transiting pluto was making a close conjunction to the CSP descendant at the time of the divorce filing, and by September 19th it had become an exact conjunction. This is often tough on marriages because of the power struggles, incredibly intense emotions and blowups. In the SP chart, the two malefics mars and saturn are making close conjunctions to the asc-dsc axis. The asc-dsc axis is conjunct the most malefic star in the zodiac, algol at 26 degrees taurus by one degree, and uranus is making a conjunction to the 9th house cusp. Saturn, mars, venus and pluto are in a fixed grand cross. A grand cross can give a person a great deal of ambition and drive to break barriers and set records. In contrast, emotionally, this is one of the most painful, stubborn configurations and requires one to dig down deep to find the inner resources to endure. There are many dark nights of the soul here and you need faith and hope to get through it. According to news outlets Kevin was 'blindsided' by the divorce and it wasn't something he wanted. The ruler of the 9th house in venus in sagittarius, making the dispositor jupiter. His venus and moon oppose her neptune, showing that while he found her to be glamourous, mysterious and ideal when they met, he also would have a tendency to put her on a pedestal, ignoring her flaws and then feeling disappointed when reality hit. He viewed her through rose coloured glasses. This relationship highlights his natal potential of having a close semisquare between venus and neptune. The same can be said from Christine's perspective because her venus squared his neptune. Her sun forms an exact sesquiquadrate to his neptune and her moon is square his neptune. She thought she found her prince charming who made a fairy tale come true, an ordinary woman marrying a huge celebrity, but at some point realized that he was not who she thought he was. She did however have a close trine from mercury and jupiter to his neptune, and her mars was also closely trine his neptune. His venus squared her sun and her mars, and when venus receives mostly hard aspects in romance, the flow of love and affection is adversely affected. In the composite neptune forms a close square to the mercury-sun conjunction, an opposition to jupiter and an opposition to mars (out of orb but the effects are still there to a lesser extent). When you have your personal planets in hard aspect to someone's neptune or their neptune forms hard aspects to your 7th house factors, you don't see them as they are, but whom you fantasize them to be in your mind. This is true of hard neptune aspects in the composite and davison charts too. Having easy aspects from neptune can alleviate some of this burden but still an effort has to be made to see the person with their warts and all, and still love them. To set appropriate boundaries with love and compassion. It is a challenge because neptune in synastry and composite tends towards conscious and unconscious deception from one or both people involved. At the time the divorce was finalized on Sept 19th, transiting neptune in retrograde motion formed an exact conjunction to his descendant and highlighting all of the neptune aspects in synastry and composite. The neptune conjunction to the descendant first came into orb of influence around March 2022. By June 28th 2022 neptune turned retrograde at 25 degrees 26 mins neptune, stationing exact on his descendant by a mere 2 mins! When a planet stations and turns retrograde or direct making an exact hard aspect to your natal angle or planet by degree, it always is highly crucial for the matters of that angle or planet in your life. It is likely he started seeing Christine in a different light at that time and had a feeling something may be wrong. It is like the veil lifted. He did state that he noticed she was behaving unusually, such as buying a car instead of leasing as they both always did, because the PMA allowed her to take the car, or taking cash advances on credit cards issued to the staff. It may have dawned on him that the ideas he had of Christine in his mind all these years were not true. Maybe she did not love him as much as she said she did? Maybe she valued his money more than she did a future with him? He idealized a version of her that was not who she is and reality hit him like a ton of bricks. Neptune would go direct in December 2022 and by the time it went exact over Kevin's descendant in March-April 2023, Christine decided to separate, listing the day of separation as April 11th. Neptune again went retrograde on June 30th 2023 at 27 degrees pisces, the same day Kevin offered Christine $ 75 000 in monthly child support payments, which she later rejected. Neptune will stay retrograde until December 6th when it goes direct at 24 degrees pisces. Christine is not without hard neptune transits herself; transiting neptune during 2022-2023 made exact squares to her nodal axis and to her saturn, and she probably felt the same as Kevin with regards to thinking you knew someone and turns out you didn't really know them at all. On her part, she probably didn't think he would go to the court to force her to leave their family home, or get a court order that prevents her from taking small items such as pots and pans before moving out. She may have thought he would reduce his workload because she told him she wanted more family time, and when he didn't listen, she may have felt he valued his career over their family. Since Christine has not spoken directly to the media, we don't know exactly what led her to the decision to divorce. She did not have another man she was interested in dating, so an assumption can be made she felt she was better off being alone than with Kevin. Neptune conjunct an angle can be a time of great confusion and loss of direction. When aspecting the descendant, it usually has something to do with a spouse or romantic partner if you are in a relationship. Kevin valued his marriage and it was an important part of his identity that was taken away. With transiting neptune is angular, something you may have had for years and formed a huge part of your identity could suddenly be gone. The effects of any planet are strongest when in a close applying aspect to another planet or angle, but when it passes its exact aspect and starts separating, the energy diminishes. If in the case of an outer planet that retrogrades multiple times, the story will not have a full conclusion until the last separating aspect. In Kevin's case, neptune will be retrograde until December and won't go direct over his descendant until next February. After that, the neptune aspect will fade in intensity and he may gain more clarity on what happened. Jupiter is closely conjunct uranus showing the natal potential for the second partner to have uranus strong in their personality. The more aspects a planet makes, the more obvious the effects are in the personality and natally Christine has seven aspects from planets and nodes to uranus. The 7th house dispositor being conjunct urauns also can mean that the marriage ends abruptly. With uranus you can always expect the unexpected! Jupiter and uranus are also part of a T-square that is being triggered by the eclipses and transits which I discuss in further detail later on. The eclipse on October 28th at 21 degrees libra makes an exact conjunction to his 2nd house cusp, which relates to a substantial change in his money flow; he stopped working on Yellowstone and anticipates his income may be lower in coming years. Given that he is 68, I would imagine he wants to slow down and enjoy time with his kids. He will also owe Christine over $63 000 in child support each month, and potentially have to give her money in spousal support (though that is yet to be determined). In their composite and davison charts, venus is at 7 degrees capricorn and 4 degrees cancer. Venus is the planet of love and romance, and uranus aspecting venus in a hard way could cause a sudden desire for freedom, to break free from what feels like it is chaining you down, or what you feel oppressed by, in an intimate relationship or marriage. In Christine's chart, we see uranus squaring both the moon and venus, making a sequiquadrate to the sun, trining mercury, jupiter, saturn, and the south node, all but one of these aspects are within a 3 degree orb which indicates uranus traits are strong in her personality, for example she is highly independent, values being unique, has a high need for freedom in relationships and can feel smothered or restricted easily. In their composite chart, uranus is closely squaring the sun-mercury conjunction at 21-22 degrees aquarius and in the davison uranus squares the sun at 18 degrees leo which can strengthen the tendency to break apart. On top of that, both of their uranus' were eclipsed on April 20th 2023 (there was a solar eclipse at 29 degrees aries opposing her uranus at 27 degrees libra and squaring his uranus at 24 degrees cancer). The timing makes sense because in her filing she listed April 11th as the separation date citing irreconcilable differences and on May 1st she filed for divorce. Uranus had turned retrograde on May 1st. Days that planets turn retrograde and direct (and the dew days around it) can many times be important for key events in a storyline. Having so many hard uranus transits and the eclipse on uranus was the final straw; it was likely that in her mind she could not stand to be held down any longer and she had to end the marriage right now. She may have not planned what she wanted in the future and all she knew was that being in this marriage would no longer work for her. Not only did Kevin's uranus get eclipsed but it triggered a challenging T-square with his jupiter-uranus conjunction at 24-25 degrees cancer, sun at 28 degrees capricorn and neptune at 27 degrees libra. Similarly, Christine has a T-Square with her uranus at 27 degrees libra, moon around 24 degrees cancer and her venus at 2 degrees aquarius. In 2023 the eclipses at 21 libra and 29 aries activate these cardinal planets which would guarantee upheaval and drama. This piece of their natal potential is being triggered by the eclipses. Moreover, on May 1st, transiting jupiter at 26 degrees aries and transiting mars at 19 degrees capricorn square the T-squares and pluto is stationary (stationary planets are very powerful in their effects) and about to go retrograde hours after the divorce was filed. After his $80 million payout to his first wife Cindy, he probably thought the premarital agreement (PMA) would mean that a misfortune like that wouldn't happen again. Kevin may not have wanted the change but the hard uranus transit meant it was forced upon him in a harsh way that was totally out of the blue. He was shocked that not only was Christine wanting to divorce him, but she wanted $248 000 in monthly child support payments per month and refused to honour the PMA that stated she had to move out of his house in the event they were separating. She chose to challenge the PMA that she was only entitled to $1.5 million if they divorce, stating that she did not understand the terms. Christine refused to move out unless he agreed to submit what she deemed an appropriate child support plan. He was probably not anticipating spending hundreds of thousands to force his wife out of his home or defend the PMA so rigorously. It has been a heated battle covered extensively in celebrity magazines, with the once happy couple now speaking solely through their lawyers, and their lawyers behaving acrimoniously towards the other side. Sources have suggested Christine was unhappy with Kevin's work schedule and the way in which it kept him away from home for long periods of time. Perhaps she felt she could not pursue her interests as she had to take care of the kids by herself in his absence? Often, people can tolerate difficult or unsatisfactory circumstances for years and then a hard uranus transit influences venus and/or the 7th house factors (ruler, dispositor, planets in the house, ascendant-descendant axis) and suddenly it becomes unbearable to stay any longer. These degrees are sensitive as there is a lunar eclipse March 2024 at 5 degrees libra and there was a full moon on September 29th 2023 at 6 degrees aries. Uranus at 22 degrees taurus form a sesquiquadrate and semisquare to these degrees. I usually give these minor aspects a 3 degree orb, so transiting uranus is aspecting the cardinal signs from 4 degrees to 10 degrees at the moment, with 7 degrees of the cardinal signs being where uranus makes its exact aspect. Their davison moon is around 6 degrees libra as well (the moon degree is approximate as we don't have Christine's birth time but it is still within orb and still impacts them). Kevin's nodal axis at 4 degrees cancer-capricorn is affected, this axis being a point of destiny. The venus-mars-north node conjunction in the davison chart is conjunct his nodal axis, and squares his mars, which has a great impact on his investment in this relationship. The venus-mars-north node conjunction squares her pluto. When planets, angles and nodes from a composite or davison chart make major aspects to your natal chart, it strengthens and intensifies the impact the relationship has on you, whether this is positive or negative. Christine's nodal axis receives a quincunx and semisextile from uranus (quincunx is a minor hard aspect). The nodes take between 18-19 years to transit through the zodiac, and they were married 18 years. In fact, in the year they married, 2004, all four eclipses were at exactly the same degrees as they are in 2023, a potent symbolism of the start and end of their karmic contract together as husband and wife. The timing of their relationship had been predetermined, it is a fixed karma. It appears the finalization of the divorce came shortly before the full moon on the 29th. Full moons symbolize endings, and the month around it can bring endings in your life, which sometimes can mean letting people who were once very close to you go. Sometimes the person can still be in your life but it represents the ending of the intimacy between you, perhaps you are no longer as close, or maybe former spouses become co-parents or friends. In the end, the child support payments from Kevin to Christine were decided by a judge to be $63 209, an amount Christine asserted would not allow her to keep the children in the lifestyle they are accustomed to. As she discussed in court, the reason for wanting the money is to keep living in the tight knit community they were a part of before and to keep enjoying the memories they once did, such as living within steps of the ocean. She argued in court that her new house was not right on the ocean, not comparable to their family home, and this was unfair to her and the kids. Kevin explained he wanted to help her but didn't want to be forced to accept work he didn't want just to keep paying her support payments. Christine felt that the kids should have the same living standards when they were with her as they do when they are with him and that $248 000 USD is less than the amount she would need to do this. Kevin felt he did not have to provide her with the same living standard indefinitely after they divorced and that their kids would have ample funds to live well. He was concerned the money wouldn't all be spent on the kids and instead was a lot of additional disposable income for her (which she did not dispute). Her lawyers believed that the kids' living standards had to be upheld even if that means that Christine's living standards also benefitted. Christine has relayed through sources that she felt she was on the losing side of the power dynamics. She did not work through their marriage and was not a celebrity before. She felt she had to accept Kevin's terms because the judge was mostly siding with him. Inevitably there are hurt feelings, anger, sadness, betrayal and loss of trust on both sides. The lack of equality between them, both due to a 19 year age gap and a vast difference in socioeconomic status at the start of their relationship (which kept growing due to Kevin's rising star power), seems to have worked against them. Kevin may have won the legal battle but I believe they both severely complicated their karma for their next lifetime together unless they can find healing through forgiveness in the future. He stated when the divorce was over: “You know, when you have a life that long with somebody, there is no winner...and it’s this big, crazy thing called life and how it unravels so quickly, one minute you feel like you’re on top of the world, and then you realize how, you know, how vulnerable you are. She’s an incredible mom, we will figure it out and we’ll share. We just got to kind of convalesce right now.” This is easier for Kevin to say than Christine because all the terms went in his favour. So far, Christine has not commented upon the divorce directly to the public because she is dealing with painful emotions and does not feel the playing field is equal (which it is not). The hard mars-pluto aspect theme in their synastry and composite (his mars opposes her pluto, her mars squares his pluto and in the composite mars is sesquiquadrate pluto) show struggles for power, domination and control. The venus- north node- mars conjunction in the composite is square Kevin's mars and square Christine's pluto. Kevin's mars conjunct the descendant shows that he is likely to engage in above average conflict with his wife because mars is the god of war. I've noticed that people who have mars conjunct the descendant can be the ones who provoke their spouses first but who interestingly tend to view their spouses as antagonistic or the ones who provoke the argument. Their tendency to be too direct and not diplomatic enough can cause problems in one on one relationships. A planet being conjunct the 7th house cusp will tend to be seen by the person as a quality in the 'other', rather than a quality they fully own. A planet conjunct any angle will almost always intensify that planet's characteristics in the personality. According to California law, because of his income and wealth, she should have gotten double what she did for child support, which she probably perceives to be an injustice. On the other hand, the amount she got per month is about what the average Canadian earns in a year! Her 8th house is definitely well fortified and that comes from her past life credit with regards to money. Christine has a grand trine with jupiter-mercury being at 28-29 degrees aquarius, saturn at 27 degrees gemini and uranus at 27 degrees libra. Grand trines are very lucky areas of the chart where good things flow with little effort. Her jupiter-mercury conjunction is closely opposing the benefic fixed star regulus which can bring wealth and high social standing. A strong neptune in the 2nd house is found in many of the world's richest people. Kevin activates this grand trine with his neptune at 28 degrees libra in his second house of income. Christine has the karma to at some point be extremely wealthy and Kevin's activation her grand trine gives her what she is karmically due. Fairness here seems relative to the observer. I believe that whether the judgement is fair or not is to be determined by the divine intelligence enforcing the law of karma and is not for other people to decide. As you can see, the eclipse shows a change but it is the transits and progressions that give more insight into the nature of the feelings involved. You may ask, does this planetary picture mean there must be a divorce or separation? The answer is not necessarily because it could also mean that a highly challenging event happened to one or both of them, putting significant strain on the marriage but they choose to stay together due to their love for each other and/or beliefs and values about family. In addition, it depends on the culture, context and time. For instance, millennials are far more likely to divorce than their boomer parents because divorce is now more socially acceptable. Economically, in many areas of the world, women are more likely than earlier generations to have thriving careers and be independent, having the resources to support herself and her kids in the event of divorce. On the other hand, if one person is financially dependent on the other, or would face backlash/ stigma from their family and culture, they may stay in a marriage even if it is unsatisfactory or even abusive. Others may stay in the marriage for various other personal reasons even if they are unhappy because there are other values important to them, such as stability/ happiness for their children, avoiding a broken home, citizenship, financial or social status, one partner is ill or disabled and requires caretaking, etc. I think that we make karmic contracts as souls before we come to earth that include who we will marry, the types of karmic issues we will face as a couple and how and when our relationship will end. If the karma does not get worked out this time, we may switch roles and be given a similar context to try next time until the karma is worked out. Whatever the outcome, it is vital to have self-compassion and compassion for all involved. This is how you successfully balance the karma, no matter what happened, forgiveness is the key. How are you feeling about the eclipses this year? What are your thoughts about Kevin and Christine's marriage and divorce? Let me know in the comments below Do you have a planet, house cusp, or angle squaring, opposing or making a conjunction to 5-6 degrees of aries or libra within a 5 degree orb? This would be 0-11 degrees of the cardinal signs aries, cancer, libra and capricorn. If so, you will want to note the full moon coming up at 5:57am EDT at 6 degrees 0 mins Aries on Friday September 29th 2023. It is a more significant full moon than usual given that on March 25th 2024 there is a lunar eclipse at 5 degrees 7 mins Libra and eclipses are active for about 1 year prior to their occurrence. These degrees are about 181 degrees apart, forming a close opposition and will draw attention to the house they fall in, even if not falling on a planet or angle.
Lunar eclipses are full moons with more power. Full moons and lunar eclipses serve to bring hidden information out to light, the moon has reached maximal brightness, and issues/ information previously hidden come into awareness. Lies and half truths can be revealed, against a person's wishes. Things that you never anticipated happening can happen suddenly. Full moons and lunar eclipses are about closures and endings, tying up loose ends, organic finishing of what was started. The main theme is letting go of the past, consciously shutting one door so the next one can open. If something had been building up for some time, the final event can happen near a full moon or lunar eclipse. Significant life events and major life changes typically are indicated by the eclipses. You can discover new things about yourself, others and situations you have been in for some time, the brightness of the moon illuminates these insights more clearly. Emotions, particularly repressed emotions, can be more easily processed when brought up to the surface, and it is an intensely emotional time. You may find things hitting a boiling point, as things tolerated in the past cannot be tolerated any longer and you realize there is no way forward with a certain person in your life or situation you are in. I look at it in a positive sense because you see the real nature of people you are closest to, sometimes it can hit you like a ton of bricks, but in the long run it is always for your good. Maya Angelou said "when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. People know themselves much better than you do. That's why it's important to stop expecting them to be something other than who they are." Don't necessarily expect a major event on the day of the full moon or lunar eclipse (although this is possible). New and full moons will be active for the month they occur. Eclipses usually manifest in the year leading up to and following them, most commonly in the few weeks around the eclipse day, a month before or after the eclipse day, and after that, at the 3 month, 4 month, 6 month or 1 year mark. After a year, eclipses will have to be triggered by a transit to activate. Transiting uranus at 22 degrees taurus is making a close sesquiquadrate and semisquare to 5 degrees aries-libra, which will bring in a sudden and unexpected directional shift accompanying the full moon and eclipse, which can be highly unpredictable and sometimes erratic. There could be a turning point, a fork in the road, with the impact of your decision being felt for a very long time. Uranus is currently in retrograde motion and will go direct on January 27th 2024 at 19 degrees taurus, so this aspect of uranus will make an exact aspect to the degree of the full moon and eclipse during that time and again when it is in direct motion. The transiting north and south nodes will also be exact on the degree of the October 14th 2023 solar eclipse in December 2023 and January 2024, which is a more potent time for directional shifts and major life changes and events. The nodes are a point of fate, and represent fixed karmas that will unfold at the destined time. It may feel things are beyond your control, and things happening in a whirlwind, however these are things planned by your soul for this point in time, for your personal and spiritual growth. One of my clients, whose MC-IC axis is 5 degrees aries- libra (MC represents career and IC represents home) decided to resign from her career on March 23rd 2023, and symbolically the same week one year prior to the eclipse on March 25th 2024. Her feelings that the work she was doing was not a good fit for her strengths and interests had been building for several months prior, though she tried hard to make it work. I remember telling her that the changes had already been planned for her and without knowing what was in store for her, she knew intuitively something much better is on the way. She responded saying it (March 23rd) was her last day seeing clients and that she had been feeling about her career that it needed to end right now, and that she could not understand why (it was not burnout). She added that maybe she could sense the astrological shifts happening and is seeking something which is more aligned with who she really is. If a planet, node, angle or house cusp are being activated by the eclipse, note which houses they are placed in, and if its a planet, it will impact the house it rules, and the house which it disposits. For example if your saturn is at 5 degrees aries in the 5th house, and capricorn is your 2nd house cusp, the eclipse will impact your 2nd and 5th houses. If your venus is in capricorn and venus rules the 1st house, saturn being the dispositor of venus, will also influence the 1st house. This is because saturn rules capricorn. As an example of the timing of eclipses, my north node and south node are at 8 degrees aries-libra falling in the 3rd and 9th houses. In November-December 2023 I will be going to Southeast Asia and South Asia for a full month, visiting five countries, all cities I have never been to before. I am very grateful for this trip of a lifetime, it was booked just one day after my jupiter return this past April and that same week, the eclipse on April 20th 2023 at 29 degrees aries fell in my 9th house. My jupiter, ruler of my 9th house of foreign travel, at 22 degrees aries, is eclipsed on October 14th 2023, the eclipsed degree being 21 degrees libra. Jupiter is also placed in my 9th house. The transiting north node will make an exact conjunction to my jupiter this December. My neptune at 7 degrees capricorn is activated by squaring the lunar eclipse and full moon, the sea and water are represented by neptune and I will be on a cruise visiting these countries. I noted for my solar return this year that my natal jupiter is 5 degrees conjunct the ascendant of the solar return, and the nodes and jupiter in the solar return are conjunct the asc-dsc axis of the solar return. In a few cities in South Asia I will have jupiter or the nodes exact to the degree on angles in the relocated chart. In astrocartography, when a planet is angular it will dominate in your psychological and physical experience in any given country, even if that planet is not as active in your natal chart. The closer it is to an angle, the more intense the experiences will be. When you see repeating themes across various charts, it enhances the likelihood of significant events happening at that time. How do you anticipate this full moon and lunar eclipse to impact your life? Let me know in the comments. Saturn, uranus, neptune and pluto are often retrograde once a year, mercury 3 times a year, venus every 18 months, mars every 26 months, and jupiter every 13 months. Currently we are in a season of many retrograde planets; mercury, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune and pluto are retrograde and we are still in the shadow of venus' retrograde (venus turned direct on September 3rd). What does this mean in terms of impact on human affairs? Retrogrades turn the planet's energy inwards, making us reflect and analyze at a deeper level than we normally would. It turns the planet's energy inward so that it becomes significantly more intense. As a result, people can overanalyze matters in a way that can distort their opinions and assessments of other people and situations. It is similar to a hard neptune transit in this way, where we see what we want to see based on what we choose to pay attention to and what we ignore or dismiss. The more retrograde planets there are, the greater the tendency is for this to be. For this reason, major decisions and beginnings are to be avoided during this time: signing contracts, hiring/ firing people, launching businesses, buying/ selling/ moving homes, making major purchases, making major changes to the appearance, starting a new job, starting a new course, and many more. Misunderstandings and miscommunications are frequent, especially if mercury is one of the planets retrograde as it relates to the way we think and communicate our thoughts. If you do start new ventures, you may be questioning your decision or having regrets later. I noticed that people who are born with 5 or more retrograde planets in their chart have a general tendency towards over thinking, excessive analysis and/or anxiety. If you have this, it is advised to tune into the wisdom and intuition of your body as you make major decisions rather than relying just on the mind and intellect. The mind can weave many intricate webs but the body does not lie.
Venus retrograde includes two shadow periods on either side. This year, venus entered its shadow on June 19th at 12 degrees leo and will only end its shadow on October 7th. Venus went retrograde on July 22nd at 28 degrees leo. It stationed and turned direct on Sept 3rd at 12 degrees leo and it will leave its shadow on Oct 7th at 28 degrees leo. Venus retrograde is traditionally said not to be a good time for meeting new people, especially potential business partners, friends and romantic interests. The reason is that people you meet on venus retrograde may not be who you believe them to be. It may not be that they are deceiving you, it is more likely that you are viewing them through a biased lens, or perhaps projecting unrealistic expectations or feelings onto them. When they cannot meet your expectations, there can be disappointment. Venus retrograde can also bring people from your past back into your life; perhaps you get an email, text or phone call out of the blue from someone you hadn't interacted with in several years. It is a wonderful time to rekindle friendships and other relationships that may have gotten lost over the years provided you left them on good terms. However, if you left them on bad terms or there was unfinished business that leaves you feeling uneasy, accepting them back into your life on a venus retrograde will cause you pain down the road. The same themes that caused the separation will be clear again when venus leaves its final shadow period. I believe that the way someone leaves your life is all the closure you need, there is nothing further to be said because their actions said it all. If they hurt you and failed to apologize then, and now want to come back in your life with no accountability, why take them back so they can hurt you again? People who say whatever makes them feel better in the moment, do not consider the impact of their words on the listener, and are careless with your heart do not deserve your time and energy. Those who love you will take the utmost care not to hurt you, and if they do, they will try to rectify it right away. Love inspires and brings joy, if your 'love' brings you mostly tears and pain, it is not love. You should avoid making major decisions in a close relationship on a venus retrograde because chances are there could be a reverse of some kind. Venus relates to what we value, and when it is retrograde we may not be prioritizing the right things. There may be a fixation on things that don't really matter in the overall scheme of things. You think differently about your partner and/or the relationship dynamics when venus is retrograde as compared to when it is over. When venus is direct, there is more clarity and objectivity around love and relationships. In contrast, the internalized venus energy can cause one to mentally go over many memories and feelings in a relationship, with a bias for the positive or the negative depending on what you are contemplating doing (examples can include starting to date, turning a friendship into a romance, moving in together, getting engaged, getting married, breaking up, separating, divorcing etc.) If you felt stagnant or unhappy in a relationship prior to the retrograde, once the retrograde (and even the shadow prior to the official retrograde start date) starts it can cause you to mentally review all the reasons the relationship does not work, neglecting all the reasons it does work. The bias can hasten a decision that would normally not be taken without the excessive mental analysis of a retrograde. Feelings are intensified and will cloud your reasoning. Situations can easily be blown out of proportion. For this reason, it is best to wait to have serious conversations about your relationship when venus is direct, because sometimes people regret what they say or the actions taken because it does not reflect what they truly feel inside. This is not to say that actions can not be permanent under a retrograde but rather that the conversation will not be over as quickly. There will be some self-doubt/ second guessing or matters to tie up before it can reach its final end. If you do make a decision in your own mind about your relationship under a venus retrograde, wait to see whether you still feel the same at least a few weeks after the final shadow period has passed. If you do, it would be safe to go ahead with the decision. Around July 22nd and September 3rd this year are when venus stations. These are dates to watch for (along with the day before and day after it; July 21st-23rd and September 2nd-4th). These are times where there can be a lot of confusion around matters related to venus, especially romantic relationships. You or your partner may say things to each other that you don't really mean, as a result of your own confused thinking, but the words can stick with them for a long time. The worst part is you are likely to change your mind soon after the words are said and it will probably affect the other person's feelings towards you. Therefore, on the dates venus stations, it is ill advised to speak to your partner about the dissatisfaction you may be having with them because it will come back to haunt you. If you have planets or angles at 12 degrees leo or 28 degrees leo, this venus retrograde would have been even more impactful. Wherever these degrees fall in your chart, whether it is a planet, angle or in a house, is a good opportunity to re-assess, re-evaluate and reflect. Analyzing and critical thinking can be a good thing when it is done in proportion and we can discover subtle things about ourselves, our loved ones, and situations we find ourselves in, that normally would not be as apparent. A season of many retrogrades such as the one that we are experiencing can be very useful in giving attention to matters we usually would not explore to that depth. Journalling is one of the best activities for this type of energy and can help bring awareness to the hidden patterns in our lives, maybe even the nature of the karmic cycles we keep repeating. How have these retrogrades affected you? Let me know in the comments below! It's been so fast that the first half of 2023 has gone by! I am very happy to say, that I have gotten over 100 subscribers since I launched the 6 month and 1 year memberships so far, and have seen a tremendous number of old and new students enroll in the astrology, numerology and astronumerology courses, many more than I anticipated within the last 5 months. I am very thankful to all of you who have supported my new learning initiatives, and have sent me feedback on them. It has been a lot of time in the making and a huge source of pride and joy for me to release into the world. It is a perfect expression of positive Jupiter energy, as I had my Jupiter return in April, and my Jupiter will be eclipsed this October. Jupiter is in my 9th house of higher education and learning.
I celebrated my birthday a little bit later this year with a trip this past weekend to Niagara on the Lake, a short drive from where I live in Mississauga. Usually I take time on my birthday to reflect on the past solar year, and my goals for the upcoming solar year. What stood out to me is how powerful astronumerology can be as a healing tool, to promote self-compassion by understanding how the celestial energies are like an invisible hand guiding our lives. There is a time for everything, and everything has a timing. At the same time, the over reliance on fate and destiny that some people have can be debilitating, stopping them from reaching their full potential. Beliefs are extremely powerful, they shape our character and our character shapes our destiny. Character is something to be worked on constantly, regardless of the dominant themes and trends at any given time. It is always under our control and cannot be taken away by other people, unlike so many changeable factors of life such as money, careers, status and relationships. The belief that some periods are 'bad' or some planets 'evil' can create a self-fulfilling prophecy, and cause a person to unknowingly engage in self-sabotaging behaviours that stop them from becoming successful. It is helpful to understand the ways in which transits and progressions affect us psychologically and materially, but one should not conclude that something is impossible to achieve because the planets are aligned in a certain way. My morning and evening rituals are my armour in the world, practices that I faithfully do everyday, so that the external world and people around me do not have the power to influence my mood and behaviour. Daily self-care can assist in focusing your thoughts and emotions on what you want to achieve and who you want to be in this world. It takes the focus off of the definitions other people have placed on you and your life, and instead shifts it onto defining yourself and your life the way you want it to be. You are a powerful co-creator of your life and destiny. There is of course the unfolding of karma through the planetary positions at any given time period which will affect you. However, with the right mental focus and attention, you can work on aspects of your character that will ultimately contribute to a greater success. While life can be filled with detours externally, you can still make the most of these so that you have an even better story to tell when you have reached the pinnacle of your success! Think of thoughts as vehicles, you need to get on the right one to take you where you want to go. The wrong one will take you where you do not want to go, and will probably add stress and anxiety. Just as you would not take a plane to Toronto if you want to be in Colorado, you should not dwell on thoughts that you have observed to be a trigger for anxiety, low mood and excess stress. Speak to people to inspire and uplift by example, rather than those who leave you feeling drained and who chose to have a 'victim' mindset. Cultivate discipline in your thought process through practices such as deep breathing, mindfulness, self-compassion, positive self-talk, affirmations and other activities that promote peace and joy. Making time for these practices can pay off in spades compared to the time it takes to do them. Even 15 minutes a day will make a difference. Similar to how failing to exercise and eat correctly can cause disease and illness, not taking the time to regain control of the mind can cause undue worry and have impacts on your physical body as well. I hope you have the time to relax and rejuvenate this summer, and take the time to nourish your mind, body and soul. It really is the small things we do on a daily basis that give happiness to our lives, and shape our character, which in turn shapes our destiny. Give yourself the freedom to add a little beauty to your life everyday, you deserve it! I am very happy to announce the launch of several self-directed study courses and reports in western astrology, vedic astrology, numerology, and astronumerology, and my unlimited learning memberships. I have been working for the last few years to develop and refine these courses and reports, as well as write members only content for a launch in early 2023 and now the time has come to make it available publicly. The transiting north node is exact within minutes of my MC at this moment, signaling a focus on growth and expansion. I feel this is the perfect time to share this deeper knowledge with my loyal clients, students and readers. Many people have asked me to do a membership subscription with special content over the years and I am so excited it has finally come to fruition!
The 6 month and 1 year unlimited membership unlocks all the members only pages on the entire site and includes discounts on consultations, courses and special topic reports. Please visit the store page for the complete list of offerings. The year 2023 is a number 7 year. The world year gives general information about trends and energies operating on a global scale and that affect everyone, regardless of their personal year number. The number 7 is about philosophy, studying, reading, connecting with a higher power- God or whichever name you choose for the divine. Even if you are not spiritual or religious, you will likely find yourself contemplating the more challenging questions in life. In a personal year 7, (the personal year is adding your month and day of birth to the current year), many people find themselves doing a lot of writing, studying, teaching and/or contemplating. They may spend more time alone, in philosophical/ spiritual pursuits or in nature. Research, analysis, problem solving and investigation are favored. When 7 is the world number, we observe a greater tendency for this energy to dominate in the collective.
In the number 7 world year, people will need more alone time, even people who are usually social butterflies. It is not that people will stop socializing but that they will need more recharging time and they will enjoy being alone more. When people get together, they will want to have discussions about deeper matters, the questions and topics that really matter to them. There may be a new trend to spend more time in nature, going on hikes, visiting parks or simply cultivating or spending time in a garden. Being in nature reconnects us to the simple life and the inherent beauty that God has created. It also encourages people to slow down, breathe and clear their mind of unnecessary worry, anxiety or guilt. Practices like yoga and meditation will become more popular during a 7 year as people are interested in spiritual growth and attaining more peace and harmony in their lives. It is a good idea to mindfully listen, not just with our ears but with our hearts. The universe is constantly trying to send us messages that will guide us on our authentic path but we are usually so caught up in the never ending stream of thoughts that constantly flood our mind that we don’t hear them. In a 7 year, people start to more deeply understand the connection between body, mind and spirit and how if one is unhealthy it negatively affects the other two. There will be less emphasis on being “busy” and more thought put into consciously spending one’s time in order to live a meaningful life. The energy this year is useful for reconnecting with yourself, reordering your life so that you feel you are fulfilling your dharma- your purpose in life. The focus should be on spending quality time with those who matter the most and making time to be alone, just reflecting on where you were, what you are doing now and what you should be doing in the future to maximize your potential. “How do you say goodbye to something like 50 years in television?” she said in conclusion. “How proud when I see all the young women who are making and reporting the news. If I did anything to help make that happen, that is my legacy. From the bottom of my heart, to all of you with whom I have worked and who have watched and been by my side, I can say: ‘Thank you.’ “ On December 30th 2022, trailblazing U.S. journalist and creator of The View, Barbara Walters passed away peacefully at age 93 at her home in New York. She paved the way for so many other women in journalism with her prestigious career spanning over five decades. Oprah Winfrey, Robin Roberts, Maria Shriver, Katie Couric and several others wrote beautiful tributes to her. I admired her ability to ask hard-hitting questions with grace, honesty and empathy, a rare skill that few journalists possess today. She showed bravery when interviewing powerful people, holding them accountable and striving to get the truth to her audience. She broke a lot of barriers and encouraged women from all over the world to do the same. I share my analysis of her Astronumerology chart to pay my respects to her as a legend in her field. Barbara has made a lot of ‘firsts’ in her career and is a trailblazer in every sense of the word. Although she doesn’t see herself as a trailblazer, the world certainly does. Katie Couric says of Barbara, “She was an early ballbuster, and I mean that in the nicest possible way,” “She rattled a lot of cages before women were even allowed into the zoo.” I watched her on an episode of Oprah’s Master class and her story certainly is an inspirational one. Barbara attributes her success to knowing how to properly use her luck, which she acknowledges she got a lot of, as well as her determination to overcome obstacles. She says of her career, "It has been an absolutely joyful, rewarding, challenging, fascinating and occasional bumpy ride and I wouldn't change a thing." I think the secret of my success is that I persevered. I didn’t give up. I didn’t say this is a lousy job, and I’m unhappy, and I’m going to quit. I went through the tough times, and they were tough. And I was fortunate that I came out on the other end.” Barbara has a Libran ascendant. The ruler of the ascendant is Venus and at 29 degrees Leo, Venus makes an exact conjunction to the fixed star Regulus. Regulus is a benevolent star giving courage, a significant rise in status from birth, power, authority, wealth and association with influential people. Venus makes a trine to the Moon, ruler of the career house (10th house) and a trine to Mercury, dispositor of the 10th house. Therefore, the positive attributes of Regulus extend into her career. The Sun is placed in Libra making a tight conjunction to the Ascendant from the 12th house. People who have the Sun so close to the ascendant tend to have their light shine forth brightly on first impression. The warmth and glory of the Sun is reflected as a personality with much creativity, vitality and heart. Because the Sun is placed in the 12th house it gives her the talent in bringing hidden matters to the surface, she is able to tap into the collective unconscious, understand what the public wants to know and then skillfully design her questions with the intention of obtaining that information. She was quoted as saying “Wait for those unguarded moments. Relax the mood and, like the child dropping off to sleep, the subject often reveals his truest self”. The Libran Sun gives her the relationship orientation, tact, diplomacy and social skills needed to conduct in depth, intimate interviews. The sign on her MC is Cancer. This gives her the ability to make people feel at home and to put them at ease in interviews. She is sensitive to their needs. She notably leaves a positive impression on the people whom she interviews even though she asks many tough questions in a direct way. The ruler Moon is placed in Gemini, meaning that for her to feel comfortable she must be allowed her freedom to express her thoughts and ideas. She thrives on engaging in conversations about a wide variety of topics. Barbara enjoys constant learning and filling her mind with new knowledge. The Moon is placed in the 9th house indicating that foreign travel, culture and people will play a big role in her career. Indeed, she has travelled all over the world having interviews with leaders and other notable people worldwide. Her breakthrough came when she went to India and Pakistan with the First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, after which she was given significantly more responsibility at the network. Her good fortune in foreign travel and interviewing foreigners can also be partly attributed to Jupiter being placed in Gemini in the 9th house. The Moon is closest to the MC. I find that people who gain mass popularity often have the Moon connected with their MC in some way. This is probably because it gives intuitive understanding of the needs and wants of the public. The planet of transformation, Pluto, is placed in her 10th house. Pluto is the researcher, investigator and analyzer, always digging until they get to the core of issues, the truth behind the secrets and to the very heart of people. Pluto is power, control, death and rebirth and rising up from the ashes. Pluto in the tenth house shows some of these themes prominent in the career. Her need for control in her interviewing career is reflected in her statement "When you're interviewing someone, you’re in control. When you're being interviewed, you think you're in control, but you're not." Many of the people she has interviewed have experienced significant shifts in public perception after being on the show. Barbara’s exact Mercury-Mars conjunction in the first house gives her the skill of using words to get her point across in an articulate yet direct manner. Mercury-Mars does not waste time in idle talk, they cut to the chase and have little patience for beating around the bush. This is a sign of a very sharp mind, quick learner and there is a skill for expressing oneself both orally and via the written word. Sometimes Mercury-Mars can be too cutting, blunt or aggressive with their words so the fact that this conjunction occurs in peacemaking Libra softens this tendency. Mercury is stationary in her chart showing its immense power. Stationary planets are very concentrated in their energy and often give a person a highly unusual gift in the planet’s domain. In her case, we can easily see that her talent for communication and broadcasting has made her one of the most powerful and respected women in the world. Since her 10th house ruler is the Moon in Gemini, Mercury becomes the dispositor of the house. Further, Mercury makes a square to Pluto in the 10th house so we see why Mercury is critical to her career. The Mercury-Pluto square gives her endless curiosity, skill for analyzing behaviour, the talent and skill to probe right to the core of the issue, an investigative mind that is interested in the truth and nothing but the truth. Her words have a transformative impact on people. Uranus in the 7th house is making a conjunction to her descendant and clearly shows the pioneering nature of Uranus applied to one on one relationships (7th house). The connection of Uranus with her career can be seen in the one degree trine between Moon (ruler of 10th house of career) and Mars (ruler of 7th house of one on one relationships where Uranus is placed). Uranus also makes a 2 degree quintile to the Moon showing that engaging with people one on one, especially Uranian type people, could play a role in her career and public standing. Among her “firsts” and record breakers
Uranus near the 7th house cusp can also be interpreted by her interviewing Uranian type characters: larger than life personalities, trailblazers, highly original and inventive thinkers, people with outstanding accomplishments that set them apart from the crowd and generally people who society term out of bounds for better or for worse. She has interviewed every U.S. president and First Lady since Richard and Pat Nixon, the Dalai Lama, Margaret Thatcher, Oprah Winfrey, Hugo Chavez, Barbra Streisand, Fidel Castro, Muhammad Ali, Lucille Ball, John Wayne, Anwar Sadat, Fred Astaire, Ringo Starr, Audrey Hepburn, Katherine Hepburn, Willie Nelson, Henry Kissinger, Walter Cronkite, Muammar Gadhafi , Jay Leno, Clint Eastwood, Whoopi Goldberg, Michael Jackson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Vladimir Putin, Tom Cruise, Anna Wintour Bashar al-Assad, Shah Reza Pahlavi, Jiang Zemin, Vladimir Putin, Beyoncé Knowles, Angelina Jolie, Tina Fey, Truman Capote, Maria Callas, Tiger Woods, Andre Agassi, Yitzhak Rabin, Indira Gandhi, and Bing Crosby among many others. The vertex is a point that represents fated encounters with people and events that forever change your view and experience of the world. In her chart, the vertex makes a one degree conjunction with Uranus showing that her destiny was fulfilled through these Uranian one on one interviews. Numerology Life path 1: This is the life path of people whose purpose it is to strike out on their own, be pioneers and blaze new trails. They are excellent leaders and desire to take risks and try out innovative ideas. They are independent and do their best work on their own, where they have full creative control. Number 1 corresponds to the Sun in astrology and we saw the Sun’s prominence in her chart. She likes to shine brightly and to have people respect and admire her, she is happiest when they do. Her intensity number is also 1 and accentuates her confidence, competitiveness and drive to be at the top. Birthday 7: People born on a 7 day have a mind that is particularly suited towards research, analysis and investigation. They are excellent thinkers and like to contemplate the bigger questions in life. They are observant of people and can be questioning and critical at times, however this can be useful for improvements that society needs. They are detail oriented and can be perfectionistic, never stopping until everything is just right. Number 7 people like a certain amount of solitude, being in nature refreshes them. Birth Name: Barbara Jill Walters Expression and personality 22/4: This double influence can be seen in her willingness to work hard, the long hours she puts in to her work and the many personal sacrifices she has made for her career. Number 22/4 vibrates to Uranus and we have seen that Uranus is angular and prominent in her personality. Number 4 likes to build structures, they will implement their plan in a pragmatic fashion. They have good vision and set goals that are admirable but still achievable. This belief can be seen in her quotes “’One may walk over the highest mountain one step at a time” and “work harder than everybody. You’re not going to get it by whining and you're not going to get it by shouting, and you're not going to get it by quitting. You're going to get it by being there." Number 22 is the Master Builder and likes to leave a legacy. She is quoted as saying “"I can't tell you how much pleasure it gives me when some smaller, young woman comes up to me and tells me of her achievements. That's my legacy". In another interview she says “But the fact that I persevered and succeeded in what was so much a man’s world- the world of television news- gives me great pride. That’s my legacy, it’s not a particular interview I did. That’s nice, but who cares? It’s that maybe I made it easier for the next woman." Soul urge 9: Number 9 has a talent for understanding different people from a diverse range of backgrounds and being able to get along with them. They appreciate people’s differences and genuinely try to understand their beliefs. Number 9 has a desire to change the world for the better and help people who are disadvantaged. Barbara’s humanitarian side can be seen in her generous contributions to various charitable organizations. Today is a partial solar eclipse that falls at 2 degrees scorpio and on November 8th there is a total lunar eclipse at 16 degrees taurus. Eclipses are markers of significant changes on an individual and collective level. They can't be classified as "good" or "bad" but rather that there can be dramatic changes soon, sometimes in unexpected or sudden ways. Eclipses can be read for individual natal charts and also for the composite and davison charts. I have seen that eclipses to progressed and converse secondary progressed angles, and solar arc angles work as well. Eclipses are used along with transits, progressions, solar arcs, and solar and lunar returns to give insight into future themes and trends, the energies that will be dominating at any given time period. Eclipses in a relationship chart can signal beginnings, transitions, endings and high and low energy time periods. It can also mark an unexpected reversal in the dynamic of the relationship. For example, if someone was highly appreciative of what you have done for them for a long time and communicated this to you regularly, it could be if the eclipses are active in your relationship chart then there could be a sudden change of heart even though there may not be a rational explanation or cause. People can have a falling out after a long period of things being on good terms or perhaps they can reconcile after years of not speaking or being distant. It could be that the two people changed roles relative to each other in some capacity, or that they are now unhappy with the role they have played in the relationship for a long time. Eclipses also explain why platonic relationships can suddenly turn romantic, or how people re-connect after many years apart. Erratic and unstable energy is associated with eclipses, so it is not advised to launch major projects, sign contracts, begin important ventures or get married at this time. It is better to wait at least a week on either side of the exact eclipse day in order to do these things. I would avoid entirely the period in between, in this case Oct 25th to Nov 8th. The energy of an eclipse can be unpredictable and sometimes bring out of the realm of possibilities that one can not possibly imagine much later down the road. One instance that I came across recently was a couple that married, and many years later when they had children, the husband felt he was not the correct gender and decided to make the change in a formal way. He wanted to continue the marriage. The couple subsequently divorced because the wife could not tolerate this. Two other famous examples of the tragedy of marrying near an eclipse are Diana, Princess of Wales and Prince Charles who married July 29th 1981, just one day before the solar eclipse on July 30th 1981 and John Lennon and Yoko Ono who married on March 20th 1969, just 3 days after the solar eclipse on March 17th 1969. Both of these marriages took place in between the two weeks of eclipse season (i.e. there was an eclipse on April 2nd 1969 and one on July 17th 1981). There would have been no way to predict how horribly wrong things went for these hopeful lovers. It is not necessarily the case that the relationship itself would turn sour from within but sometimes unforeseeable events coming from outside the couple can cause the split. Charles was intensely attracted to Camilla who he later married. Diana famously said there were 3 people in the relationship, and she also felt undue pressure from the Royal family as well as as the paparazzi. John Lennon was murdered and Diana died in a car crash, both of them at a young age. Yoko Ono was also unfairly blamed for the breakup of the Beatles. Eclipses are more favoured for spiritual and contemplative work, self-care, journalling and re-connecting with one's inner self. It is a good time do do vision work, affirmations, deep breathing, retreats, walking in nature, grounding yourself and reading and listening to inspiring works. Hidden information comes to light with eclipses, possibly challenging beliefs and values you have held about a person, or experiences in your life. Sometimes other people can share feelings that they previously were hesitant to talk about, which can change the relationship dynamics. You may need to carve out time and space to process your feelings arising from these discoveries. To gain more awareness into the nature of an eclipse in your chart, you would look at where the degree falls in your chart. For example, if your descendant is 6 degrees scorpio, then your ascendant-descendant axis is impacted by the eclipse at 2 degrees scorpio. The orbs are generally about 5 degrees for eclipses. Eclipses will always fall somewhere in the chart and will influence the house axis they fall in. They don't just impact the house they fall in, it is always the the opposite house as well. It is more powerful if the eclipse is making a conjunction, opposition or square to a planet, node, vertex, house cusp or angle (ASC, DSC, IC, MC) in your chart, and the orb is smaller (i.e. the smaller the orb, the more significant is is for you with exact aspects being most powerful).
House cusps are the most powerful part of the house, followed by the midpoint of the house. If you have your third house extending from 18 degrees virgo to 20 degrees libra, the midpoint would be 4 degrees libra (the house is 32 degrees and it would be the halfway point). Therefore the most powerful points of your third house would be 18 degrees virgo, followed by 4 degrees libra and then all the other degrees between 18 virgo and 4 libra. The effects of the eclipse are retroactive by one year and can operate over the first year after the eclipse without a transit to trigger its effects. It can operate for up to 5 years after the eclipse but needs a transit to trigger it as the degree becomes sensitive. If the eclipse impacts the house ruler, dispositor or any planets in the house, it will influence the house. For the eclipse happening on Oct 25th at 2 degrees scorpio, 27 degrees to 7 degrees of the cardinal and fixed signs will be affected. That is 27 degrees aries to 7 degrees taurus, 27 degrees libra to 7 degrees scorpio, 27 degrees cancer to 7 degrees leo and 27 degrees capricorn to 7 degrees aquarius. You would need the degrees of all your planets and angles to verify what in your chart is being impacted. For the eclipse happening Nov 8th at 16 degrees taurus, 11 degrees to 21 degrees of the fixed signs (taurus, scorpio, leo and aquarius) are affected. To illustrate, say your mercury is at 3 degrees of the fixed signs, it is impacted by the eclipse on Oct 25th via opposition, square and conjunction. Assuming a case where mercury rules the 2nd house (you have gemini on the second house cusp and virgo on the 5th house cusp) and is placed in the 1st house, then the 1st, 2nd and 5th houses will all be impacted. Further, if mercury is the dispositor of any house (if you have a planet in gemini or virgo), that house will be impacted. That is for example, if you have mars in gemini, and mars rules the 12th house (aries on the 12th house cusp), then mercury is the dispositor of the 12th house and matters of the 12th house may come up. By way of example, I published my first book on astronumerology in December 2015. I did not start writing this book until the Spring of 2015 and finally completed the manuscript in the Fall. The 9th house represents broadcasting and publishing, the 3rd house all types of oral and written communications, and eclipses to the 3rd-9th house axis are usually involved when someone publishes a book. My ninth house cusp is 4 degrees aries. On September 27th 2015, there was a total lunar eclipse at 4 degrees aries. On April 4th 2015, the total lunar eclipse at 14 degrees libra fell in my 3rd house opposing the 9th house and on March 23rd 2016 the lunar eclipse at 3 degrees libra was tightly conjunct my 3rd house cusp. From Jan-Dec 2016, I completed a postgraduate certificate from a postsecondary institution (the 9th house represents higher education). When the eclipses hit a a pair of houses on the axis, there can be one or more matters under the domain of those houses that become dominant in a person's life. I have never seen marriage take place without eclipses to the significations of the 1st and 7th houses (ruler, dispositor, house cusp, planets in the house). The eclipses are looked at in addition to the other predictive tools like transits and returns. For the publishing of my book on December 2nd 2015, transiting pluto was at 14 degrees capricorn making an exact opposition to my 9th house ruler mars. Transiting uranus at 16 degrees aries was conjunct jupiter in my 9th house. Transiting nodes were within about 7 degrees of my 3rd-9th house axis. On the day of the official release on Dec 2nd, transiting venus and mars were in my 3rd house, with venus within a 4 degree orb of making an opposition to my jupiter. Transiting jupiter was making a 1 degree quincunx to my jupiter. Transiting mercury was making a 2 degree conjunction to my 9th house dispositor moon, and saturn and the sun were also making wider conjunctions to my moon. The solar return for 2015 showed my natal 3rd-9th house cusp degrees on the solar return ascendant-descendant axis (within a 5 degree orb) meaning it is a year where this axis takes prominence. Moreover, jupiter in my solar return was at 18 degrees leo (the exact degree of my natal ascendant) showing significations related to jupiter and its natural house (the 9th) would be prominent for me. Jupiter represents sharing philosophical knowledge in formal ways, and governs publishing and teaching. Mercury was conjunct the 9th house cusp by 2 degrees and mars and the sun fell in my solar return 9th house. The nodes at 6 degrees libra and aries were conjunct my natal 3rd-9th house axis by 2 degrees. The new moon that happened on December 11th fell at 19 degrees sagittarius, making a 3 degree conjunction to my moon as dispositor of my 9th house. This new moon also opposed my sun by 1 degree, perhaps reflecting my new identity as an author and making way for a major expansion in my business with increased opportunities to discuss the book and my work at various venues. The book was destined to be written long before the conscious thought entered my mind to write it. It felt very natural and easy for me to communicate what I wanted to say to my audience and I felt compelled at the time to put my knowledge and experience into a book format. Whatever is brought to angles in the solar return takes prominence, particularly if a natal planet or angle would fall there. For example, if your solar return ascendant is at 5 degrees sagittarius and that is within orb of your natal venus, significations of venus will be prominent in your life that year. You would study the eclipse chart as a whole to get information on the energies an eclipse will bring. The eclipse today is making an exact conjunction to venus, making it very auspicious for romantic relationships that begin around this time. Because venus is the goddess of love and romance, she will lend affection, sweetness, nurturing, and even more beauty and pleasure to couples that start their journey with this eclipse. Venus will also give a boost to relationships of all kinds even if not romantic in nature, it will make relations smoother, more harmonious and diplomatic. The eclipse on Nov 8th also has the sun conjunct venus by a wider orb, so this Fall looks lucky for those who fall in love. Venus in the Nov 8th eclipse chart is making a conjunction to the south node, indicating a romance from a past life could enter your life again. Check to see whether venus is making a hard aspect to the nodes in your synastry, composite and/or davison charts with that special person and if it is, then you know that you were indeed lovers from the past. The Nov 8th eclipse is being tightly squared by saturn at 18 degrees aquarius and receiving an exact conjunction from uranus at 16 degrees taurus and close conjunction from the north node at 13 degrees taurus. Venus at 20 degrees scorpio and mercury at 15 degrees scorpio make close oppositions. This is a lot of planetary energy impacting this eclipse and supercharging it! This combination will give you a dramatic and unexpected change if you have a planet or angle close to 16 degrees of any of the fixed signs. The uranus conjunction can make it be experienced as a complete shock or a change that is thrust on you with little warning. Uranus trines and sextiles allow you to integrate change in a more gradual way but hard aspects from uranus come on very suddenly. The north node involvement suggests that the change is of a destined nature, like a turning point with far ranging impact. This change is more likely to be of a fixed karmic nature. Because saturn is involved, the groundwork that is laid now will have serious, long lasting consequences. It gives longevity to ventures, and the desire and willingness to put hard work in to make things succeed. My ascendant is 18 degrees leo, and my IC is at 7 degrees scorpio, and starting at the beginning of October, there has been huge unexpected changes in my life. Fortunately of the very positive kind, but it has certainly been a whirlwind. The changes are still happening and I expect it to intensify over the next month too. The planets never fail to deliver! I'd love to know how eclipse season has been showing up in your life. Please let me know in the comments below:) Few people have earned the worldwide respect and honour in the same way as Queen Elizabeth II, who presided over Great Britain and Northern Ireland for 70 years. She is an icon of grace, dignity and service. For a long time I have been inspired by her warmth, optimism, work ethic, sense of duty, and lifelong commitment to service. My composite with the Queen has 4 degrees taurus on the ascendant conjunct mars at 2 degrees taurus, which are being eclipsed on October 25th of this year, and our sun-mercury-chiron-north node conjunction in the 1st house at 24-29 degrees taurus were eclipsed last November and this May. Perhaps as a result, I feel a desire to share my insights about her chart publicly for the first time. I should preface this article by saying that I admire the Queen and feel it appropriate to grieve her passing but certainly not the history of colonialism and racism that overshadows it. There is a violent history in Britain stemming from the endless search for acquiring more power that is not widely understood or publicized, firmly based in white power and privilege. The Royal Family has unmistakably played their part in maintaining structures that have benefitted them and are built on the oppression and slavery of many people of colour. These countries were formerly under British rule and the Royals kept silent, not using their position to highlight these inequities when they could have done so. This type of unconscious bias against non-white people permeates society to this day and causes imbalances in our current hierarchies of power. It is my hope that they will either modernize and make reparations for the past in the immediate future or otherwise be forced to renounce their position. "Never complain, never explain" was the Queen's motto, as she completed her numerous and varied commitments, never getting bogged down with what others said or wrote about her, and never feeling the need to publicly respond to her critics. The world's gaze was on her yet she had a quiet confidence in who she was and what her purpose was, and was able to be successful because she drowned out the drama that was all around her. Her thinking style is very different from most people, as shown by the mercury-uranus conjunction in the 2nd house. Mercury being dispositor of the 10th house and conjunct with uranus suggests potential for breaking records and making breakthroughs in one's career, and in 2015 when uranus made an exact square to her asc-dsc axis, she became the longest reigning monarch in the history of Britain. The previous record had been set by her great-great-grandmother Queen Victoria. In an effort to make the Windsors more relatable to the public, they allowed BBC video cameras into their home in the late 1960s for a documentary titled 'Royal Family', another first in the lineage. This allowed them to gain more support and acceptance in British society. The world continued to spin, like all of us she faced unexpected twists and turns, obstacles and family issues but for her it was different because she was under immense scrutiny for most of her life. Through it all she remained calm and steady, never feeling the need to flaunt her accomplishments or convince people of her worth. Knowing that she had no control over public opinion or people's judgements of her, it seemed to me that she didn't concern herself with what other people thought. At least, she never felt triggered enough to respond in an emotional way. This is an ability very few people have, whether they live their lives publicly or not. It reminds me of Wayne Dyer's saying, when you squeeze an orange, only orange juice can come out. Apple juice cannot come from an orange. Similarly, when people "trigger" or otherwise put pressure on you, you can only respond with what you have inside, which indicates the work you still haven't done on yourself. So many people put accountability on others to change their behaviour instead of learning how to regulate their emotions so that their moods aren't so dependent on what others say and do. Young Elizabeth was lucky to have found her soul mate at age 13 and was happily married for over 73 years. She describes Prince Philip as her "strength and stay". He relinquished his own royal titles to marry her in 1947 and his military career in 1952 so he could support his wife, which was unusual for men at that time. They had four children, eight grandchildren and twelve great grandchildren which were a great source of joy for them both. He passed away in April 2021, less than 2 weeks before her birthday at age 99. Her 7th house of marriage is fortunate; the 7th house ruler (moon) and dispositor (sun) are in mutual exchange empowering the moon to behave as if it were exalted and the sun to behave as if it were in its own sign. It is also good to have the ruler of the house inside the house to fortify it. The close trine from saturn gives that feeling that I am with you through thick and thin, whatever happens we will endure it together. The 10th house ruler pluto is conjunct the descendant, showing that the career and marriage may be intertwined in some way. Pluto is also ruler of the 9th house, suggesting that the partner may come from a different cultural background and in this case it is also true as Prince Philip was born in Greece, and is of Greek and Danish royal ancestry. He was a distant cousin of Elizabeth. In this case they carried out several public engagements together. The north node conjunct the 7th house cusp suggests the area of life she should focus on for the most personal and spiritual growth is her marriage and this heartfelt quote reflects this. "Prince Philip is, I believe, well-known for declining compliments of any kind. But throughout he has been a constant strength and guide." "All too often, I fear, Prince Philip has had to listen to me speaking. Frequently we have discussed my intended speech beforehand and, as you will imagine, his views have been expressed in a forthright manner." "He has, quite simply, been my strength and stay all these years, and I, and his whole family, and this and many other countries, owe him a debt greater than he would ever claim, or we shall ever know." "His sense of service, intellectual curiosity and capacity to squeeze fun out of any situation – were all irrepressible. That mischievous, enquiring twinkle was as bright at the end as when I first set eyes on him." -Queen Elizabeth II Queen Elizabeth has three mutual exchanges in her chart. A mutual exchange is when planet A is in planet B's own or exalted sign and planet B is also in planet A's own or exalted sign. This allows both planets to function to their optimal potential as if they were actually in their own sign or exalted. The sun is in taurus, the sign the moon is exalted in and the moon is in leo, the sign the sun rules. Mars is in aquarius, the sign saturn traditionally rules, and saturn is in scorpio, the sign mars traditionally rules. Jupiter is in aquarius, the sign uranus rules and uranus is in pisces, the sign jupiter traditionally rules. On top of this, venus is in its exalted sign pisces. The remaining planets are neither debilitated or in fall (the worst positions for them to be in as they are in signs that function in a way that is incompatible with their energy). I don't recall seeing 2 pairs of planets and both luminaries in mutual exchange along with another exalted planet or planet in its own sign, with no planets in detriment or fall. I would say this configuration is quite rare and extraordinary. This means that both luminaries (sun and moon) and 5 planets out of 8 are living up to their best standards. They provide a boost of fortune to the houses they are placed in, rule and are the dispositor for, such that almost all areas of her life represented by the 12 houses receive good karma. For example, if venus is exalted, it means that the 1st house receives good fortune because venus is in the first house, the 3rd and 4th houses receive fortune because venus rules these houses (taurus is on the cusp), and because the sun is in taurus (venus rules taurus), venus would normally be the dispositor of the house the sun rules. Because the sun is intercepted in the 7th house, leo is not on the cusp of any house in her chart so venus is not the depositor of any house. Nothing short of excellence for the Queen! The ruler of the capricorn ascendant is saturn, which is tightly conjunct the MC. This is an indicator that the career will dominate one's life, it will be the major life purpose. The ruler of the 10th house pluto is also opposing the ascendant. These aspects connecting the 1st house to the 10th house increases visibility and the tendency towards fame. Another indicator that the life is ruled strongly by fate, and tends to be pushed into the public eye is the nodes tightly conjunct the asc-dsc axis. This position reduces free will to a large extent as the current life is dominated by past life karma to be balanced. Though young Elizabeth wasn't set to take the thrown when she was born, through a series of unexpected circumstances, that was exactly what happened. This was her true destiny from birth. The capricorn ascendant and angular saturn give one a strong sense of work ethic, respect for and adherence to tradition, the ability to be disciplined, to be persevering and to work hard to achieve success. Saturn is conjunct the MC which was why in her career she was strongly associated with these traits. Both saturn and capricorn prefer to be conservative with money and have an interest in business. In line with this, despite her massive wealth, the Queen was surprisingly frugal, preferring to live below her means. The south node conjunct the ascendant also inclines towards a need for privacy and solitude. She completed all of her public engagements dutifully and in a humble way, and my opinion is that she never craved fame for the sake of it. The 10th house ruler pluto is conjunct the north node in the 6th house of service, one meaning is that it is important for the person to feel they are being of service in their careers. The pluto-north node conjunction in cancer gives her the ability to come across as warm and caring, despite her natural saturnian stoic and serious demeanor. The exalted venus in pisces in the first house gave her a natural beauty and elegance in the way she presented herself. "I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong." Her Majesty The Queen (on her 21st birthday) On her Silver Jubilee, after having served for 25 years, she stated: "When I was 21, I pledged my life to the service of our people and I asked for God's help to make good that vow. Although that vow was made in my salad days, when I was green in judgement, I do not regret, or retract, one word of it." The life of service was a driving force all of her life and she was recognized with many awards and honours for it. The sun is making an exact opposition to the 9th house cusp, which was why she loved travelling to foreign countries, and visited 117 of them. She went on more than 250 royal tours during her 70 years as Queen. Most world leaders travelled to Britain to meet with her in what she termed her "audiences" which were her way of meeting people without anyone else listening. When thinking of the Royals it is probably her face that is most symbolic, she is the brand. The brand that brought over 2 billion dollars into the British economy each year. Venus as ruler of the third house is exalted in pisces, enabling her skill for articulate, engaging and diplomatic speech both locally (3rd) and abroad (9th). She would read many letters sent to her by the public and personally responded to help people celebrate special occasions. People would also write to her with problems they were facing and worries they had, in the hopes she could help them. Sometimes she was in a position to connect them with someone who could help them, or to write to organizations she thought they could help them. She tried to read as many letters as she could herself because they were addressed to her and she was interested in hearing what they wanted to tell her. She was a regular pen pal to an American woman for 70 years who shared the same birthday, April 21st 1926, which is natural to understand for someone who has their sun on the 3rd house cusp. She genuinely enjoyed exchanging letters and developing a relationship that way. In my perspective, she had an innate talent of knowing what to say and what not to say, what times to speak and when to stay silent. It was a delight for her to meet so many world leaders and celebrities, as well as ordinary citizens from all corners of the globe. The 3rd-9th axis is the communications axis and she is famous for giving her annual television address on Christmas Day. She has had a way with words ever since she was young, making her first broadcast at age 14 to children and continuing with the tradition until her final days. Her world would be changed forever on February 6th 1952 when she ascended to the throne and became the Queen; she was crowned on June 2nd 1953. We would look at the aspects and eclipses to the 10th house of career for this type of life transition. Eclipses influence angles, planets and other points by opposition, square and conjunction. Even if they do not make an aspect, they can still influence the affairs of the house if they fall in the house. For example, an eclipse to the MC will be the most evident changes to your career but an eclipse anywhere in the 10th house will still bring some notable developments or focus on your career. The 10th house also represents the father, and in her case the eclipses and transits signaled her father's death as well as her new career. Her MC is 25 degrees scorpio, its ruler pluto is at 12 degrees cancer and the dispositor of the 10th house is the moon at 12 degrees leo. On August 5th 1952 there was an eclipse at 13 degrees aquarius making a tight opposition to the moon. On August 16th 1951, February 10th 1952, August 20th 1952 and February 13th 1953 there were eclipses at 23 degrees aquarius 21 degrees leo, 27 degrees leo and 25 degrees aquarius all making tight squares to the MC. Since saturn as ruler of the 1st house is conjunct the MC, all of these eclipses influence the first house. On July 10th 1953 the eclipse at 18 degrees cancer opposed her ascendant and made a conjunction to her north node; it was also conjunct pluto as ruler of the tenth house. These eclipses to the 1st house relate to the way the world sees her upon first meeting and also her changed outlook for her future in the world due to her new position. There was an eclipse on February 21st 1951 at 2 degrees virgo which was tightly conjunct the vertex, a turning point of fate. The north node and vertex both being eclipsed within a few years of each other, along with the most public houses, the 1st and 10th, are indicative of her powerful destiny in the public eye. Being Queen was her fate and the role of a lifetime. Looking at the chart for Feb 6th 1952, we see that transiting pluto was making a tight conjunction to her neptune, ruler of the 2nd house reflecting her sizeable change in financial assets. Her second house is in excellent shape as jupiter is the traditional ruler of pisces, the sign on her second house cusp and it being in aquarius, participates in a mutual exchange with uranus in pisces. 22 degrees aquarius is a critical degree, adding power and prominence to jupiter's influence in her life. Uranus is in her 2nd house suggesting at some point in life there would be an unexpectedly large change in social status. Transiting uranus at 10 degrees cancer was making a tight conjunction to her pluto, ruler of the 10th house and an exact sesquiquadrate to her MC, reflecting the unexpected nature of her being Queen at 25 years of age due to the early passing of her father. Uranus was within a wide orb of opposition to her ascendant reflecting the change in her status. With uranus, I always say expect the unexpected because uranian transits typically bring those shakeups in life that you don't anticipate or sometimes even think possible. It is what most would think of as out of the realm of probabilities for their life at that point in time. She said, "In a way, I didn't have an apprenticeship, my father died much too young, so it was all a very sudden kind of taking on and making the best job you can." Transiting jupiter made a tight sesquiquadrate to the MC and square to pluto as ruler of the 10th house; at such a young age, she now wielded immeasurable power and had every opportunity become available to her. Her career received a big boost of luck and blessings from jupiter. This was a natal promise as the traditional ruler of the 10th house, mars is tightly conjunct jupiter in the 1st house meaning that she would be seen as of the character of jupiter in her career. This could be one reason why she enjoyed such admirable public reputation and was the most popular royal. Transiting neptune was making an exact square to the asc-dsc axis giving her glamour and sophistication in the public eye. Being new to the role, she would have had many fantasies about what it would be like to be in that position as she knew when her father took the throne that she would follow at some point. However, neptune sees through rose coloured glasses and once it made the square, she may have realized that the role also had many unseen challenges, and she was more aware of its drawbacks. Illusions get shattered as reality sets in. This would have been especially apparent as transiting saturn was making a tight square to her pluto and a wide square to her asc-dsc axis. There was a lot of work to be done, and whatever challenges she faced and sacrifices she made behind the scenes, she would never let the public know in any great detail. She maintained her power by keeping a dignified silence. The transiting south node made an exact conjunction to her vertex, and with the nodal axis and vertex being the most fated part of the chart, you can expect a a destined turning point, one that is of a very fixed karmic nature and therefore impossible to avoid. As inner planets help to more precisely tune the timing of events, we can see that transiting venus made an exact opposition to pluto as ruler of the 10th house, and the sun made a conjunction to mars, as traditional ruler of the 10th house. The moon as dispositor of the 10th house receives many aspects (an exact trine from jupiter, a tight sextile from saturn, a square from mars, a wide conjunction from pluto, an exact quincunx from venus and an opposition from the sun and mercury). Looking at the date of her passing, September 8th 2022 at 3:10pm there are quite a few markers of death present. I don't study time of death because it is impossible to say with 100% certainty when the day will be, and I wouldn't want people to worry about it. The 8th house represents death. However, the 8th house represents other areas of life besides death and hard aspects and eclipses can indicate important changes in those areas too. At any given time, there will be transits to the 8th house, all of which are not necessarily significant. Death would need to show up in multiple ways. If you look at the charts of family members and see many hard aspects and eclipses involving the 8th house, the chances that someone will transition to the afterlife increases. For instance, King Charles has 22 degrees aquarius on his 8th house cusp; transiting saturn is making a tight conjunction to that degree and transiting uranus is making a tight square to that degree now. The nodal axis is within orb of making a square to the 8th house cusp. The dispositor of his 8th house mercury is at 6 degrees scorpio, a degree that is eclipsed this October and this past April (eclipses at 2 degrees scorpio and 10 degrees taurus). Princess Anne has 21 degrees taurus on the 8th house cusp conjunct the vertex at 23 degrees taurus, so transiting uranus and saturn are making a tight conjunction and square respectively. Her 8th house cusp was impacted by the eclipse this past May at 25 degrees scorpio and the upcoming one in November at 16 degrees taurus. The ruler of the 8th house venus is being tightly opposed by transiting pluto and the full moon that occurred on September 8th at 17 degrees pisces made an opposition to her moon as 8th house dispositor at 14 degrees virgo. Edward, Earl of Wessex has 12 degrees taurus on the 8th house cusp, transiting saturn is making a square and transiting uranus and the north node are making a conjunction. The ruler of the house venus is at 3 degrees taurus, a degree that is eclipsed by opposition this October at 2 degrees scorpio. Andrew, Duke of York has 28 degrees aquarius on the 8th house cusp, transiting uranus and the north node are in a wide square and transiting saturn in a conjunction. The ruler of the 8th house is uranus at 18 degrees leo which is receiving an exact square from transiting uranus, a tight square from the nodes, and tight opposition from transiting saturn. The 8th house ruler sun is impacted by the November 2022 eclipse at 16 degrees taurus by its square aspect. The combination of eclipses to the 8th house in addition to saturn, uranus and the nodes all making hard aspects to the 8th house at the same time with such tight orbs for all four of her children is very telling. Saturn in aquarius has been difficult for the Queen in the past. She describes 1992 as her "annus horribilis" as three of her children saw their marriages fall apart and Windsor Castle suffered extensive damage in a fire. In that year, pluto was within a close orb of her MC, and in June-July 1992 when mars was transiting through taurus, mars, pluto and saturn formed a T-square in the fixed signs aggravating all her fixed planets, especially her natal T-Square between saturn, mars and neptune. Through this turmoil and breakdowns of relationships and structures that were not working, there was positive transformation in the way the Royal Family would operate. For example, some of them started paying more tax on investment income in exchange for less scrutiny into their personal lives from the media and public. Astrologically pluto is symbolic of transformation and it is approaching an exact conjunction with her MC at 25 degrees scorpio and opposition with her IC at 25 degrees taurus. It is not easy to have the fixed star algol (26 degrees taurus) influencing an angle and she does have it on the IC, suggesting that her own family may bring disgrace, humiliation and scandal to her. Pluto making an opposition to the IC was indicative of her family's restructuring. Pluto is death and re-birth; getting rid of things that aren't working anymore to make room for what will work better. Three of her children's marriages were separating, two of them eventually to be replaced by new spouses. Anne and Charles re-married while Andrew currently lives with Sarah Ferguson, his former wife. Saturn entered aquarius again in April 2020 (it takes about 27- 29.5 years to travel through the 12 signs of the zodiac). Since that time Meghan and Harry left their positions, and in March 2021 would do a tell-all interview with Oprah regarding the injustices they faced, particularly racism towards Meghan. William and Harry had been distant for a very long time, with no reconciliation in sight. Andrew was involved in the Epstein scandal and later had to pay a huge settlement for it. Most importantly Prince Philip died in April 2021. He caused a car accident in January 2019 and there were two women and a baby in the other car. He and the baby were not harmed though the women suffered injuries. All of this was happening during COVID-19. It may have all been too much for the Queen, without her beloved Philip at her side to provide comfort and security as he had in the past. The Queen has her sun, moon, mars, jupiter, saturn, and neptune in fixed signs, with saturn, neptune and mars forming a T-Square within a close orb, 20-24 degrees of the fixed signs aquarius, leo and scorpio. On the bright side, this abundance of fixed signs gives one endurance, persistence and the ability to follow through tasks to completion. At the same time, 2022 has been an undeniably difficult year for those with numerous fixed signs in the latter half of the signs leo, taurus, aquarius and scorpio (13-27 degrees) in their chart due to saturn, uranus and the nodes being in fixed signs, and it was even more intense when mars joined in as it did this summer. This means when a planet gets within orb of those degrees in taurus, around 13-27 degrees taurus (with the conjunction of mars and uranus at 18 degrees taurus, saturn retrograding in close square in aquarius and the nodal axis moving towards a close orb of 18 degrees taurus), there is too much malefic energy activating the natural tension of the T-Square, because now it is a grand fixed cross. T-Squares provide a lot of ambition and drive to succeed but sometimes they push themselves too hard. It can be difficult to cope with due to self-criticism and judgement. Mars is the dispositor of the 8th house and mercury is the ruler of the 8th house. When someone passes away we expect to see a lot of activity to the 8th house ruler, dispositor and potentially planets transiting through the 2nd or 8th house. On September 8th, transiting saturn was at 20 degrees aquarius which made an exact conjunction to her mars at 20 degrees aquarius. Saturn made a tight semisquare to mercury at 4 degrees aries. Receiving hard aspects from the outer planets tend to be more reflective of the challenges posed by the 8th house, one of which may be death. Transiting uranus made a tight square to mars and a tight semisquare to mercury. Uranus is the unexpected and the Queen was not in the hospital for an extended stay. She was getting older but there was no indication that she was expected to pass away this year, at least none revealed publicly. Many of her family members had little time to rush to her bedside before she passed. Multiple people who met with her just a few days before said she was in high spirits and this probably came as a shock to them. Boris Johnson said in an interview: ‘" 'The last audience I had with her, one of the reasons it was so shocking on the 8th (Thursday) to hear about her death, was because in that audience, she had been absolutely on it – just two days before her death. ‘She was actively focused on geopolitics, on UK politics, quoting statesmen from the 1950s, it was quite extraordinary. ‘She seemed very bright, very focused.’ One reason for her long life and good mental and physical health is the extremely strong and benefic condition of the 8th house. The 8th house dispositor mars is tightly conjunct jupiter, which is participating in a mutual exchange with uranus, enabling jupiter to act as if it was in its own sign pisces. The unexpected nature of her death is suggested by 8th house ruler conjunct uranus, which is powerful due to its mutual exchange with jupiter. Transiting jupiter made a tight semisquare to mars and a tight conjunction to mercury. The north node made a square to mars and a semisquare to mercury. Transiting mars was within orb of a conjunction to the 8th house cusp, approaching from the 7th house. On September 8th the moon around 22 degrees aquarius made a tight conjunction to mars and a semisquare to mercury. The sun made a 2 degree conjunction to the 8th house cusp. The full moon that occurred on September 10th made an exact conjunction to her 2nd-8th house axis at 18 degrees pisces- 18 degrees virgo. Full moons are about completions and resolutions, the ending of cycles. Her work on the earth was over, and the stars reflected it was time for her to go. All good things must come to an end. Her time to transition into the soul realm had come. I believe she was at peace with herself with the inner knowing that she had fulfilled her purpose, which was to live a life of service and to have a beautiful family. God bless the Queen. May your legacy live forever. “I didn't arrive at my understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe through my rational mind.” “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. Matter is spirit reduced to point of visibility. There is no matter.” "Time and space are not conditions in which we live, but modes by which we think. Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, determined by the external world." “Time does not exist – we invented it. Time is what the clock says. The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” “I think 99 times and find nothing. I stop thinking, swim in silence, and the truth comes to me." "The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, the solution comes to you and you don’t know how or why.” "A human being experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." "Our separation from each other is an optical illusion." “When something vibrates, the electrons of the entire universe resonate with it. Everything is connected. The greatest tragedy of human existence is the illusion of separateness.” “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” “We are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music.” “When you examine the lives of the most influential people who have ever walked among us, you discover one thread that winds through them all. They have been aligned first with their spiritual nature and only then with their physical selves.” “The true value of a human being can be found in the degree to which he has attained liberation from the self.” “The ancients knew something, which we seem to have forgotten.” “The more I learn of physics, the more I am drawn to metaphysics.” “One thing I have learned in a long life: that all our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike. We still do not know one thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us. It is entirely possible that behind the perception of our senses, worlds are hidden of which we are unaware.” “I’m not an atheist. The problem involved is too vast for our limited minds. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books.” "The common idea that I am an atheist is based on a big mistake. Anyone who interprets my scientific theories this way, did not understand them." "Everything is determined, every beginning and ending, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect, as well as for the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper." “The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It will transcend a personal God and avoid dogma and theology.” “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.” “Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” "I am happy because I want nothing from anyone. I do not care about money. Decorations, titles or distinctions mean nothing to me. I do not crave praise. I claim credit for nothing. A happy man is too satisfied with the present to dwell too much on the future." I don't know if Einstein ever studied astrology because there appears to be no evidence that he did. He is correct in that our lives have a degree of pre-determination and we can't change the timing of events. However, people who have awareness of astrology know that not everything is pre-determined and we have some free will in that our actions now determine our karma for future lives. At the same time, there are major parts of our lives that are pre-determined due to having to balance karma from our previous lives. Major parts refers to the timing of relationships, marriage, career, children, where you are born and live, health challenges and your overall purpose for this lifetime. Life transitions are pre-planned as well, though most people believe they are actively making the choices. Each person has a different degree of free will which is shown in their birth chart, and living in different places in the world can also affect how much free will you have, as well as which pieces of your karma you will experience in this lifetime. When you actively engage in spiritual development, it is possible that through God's grace some of your karma is mitigated so when you experience it, it is not as severe as it would have been otherwise. The invisible forces governing the trajectory of our lives may not appear to be under our control, but this is incorrect. The karma which you experience now is solely what you created. You had full control over it at one time through your behaviour and decisions. When you mismanage something, whether it is money, relationships, your health or something else, it comes back to you as a more difficult challenge in another lifetime. For example, if you had lots of money but you were not generous in giving to your family or employees, you will find yourself in a position of lack this time. If you were responsible for inflicting harm on someone and took no accountability, you may find yourself the victim of the same type of harm. If you left your family in a precarious position, you may be left in that same time of predicament now. If you injured or killed someone, you may be injured or killed the same way. Everything you do comes back to you in some way, if not in this lifetime, then it is another. Forgiving someone does not release them from the karma they have created by harming you. It frees you from that karmic association in this lifetime and all lifetimes to come. You have free will in how you react to your life circumstances, the people with whom you associate and your own spiritual development. When you shift your thinking from being a victim to the knowledge that you created this circumstance you are now facing, you gain power. Accepting everything and everyone with equanimity, not creating resistance by always wishing things were different, not taking things too personally, genuinely forgiving people who hurt you, and being mindful with your thoughts and emotions goes a long way in burning karma from the past and ensuring you have happier circumstances in the future. The war in Ukraine started on February 24th 2022 which shocked the world. Though Russia had imposed wars on other countries in the past with no real consequences from the rest of the world, something was different when they decided to strike their neighbour at this magnitude. There seems to be no valid reason other than to acquire more power and influence. We are not used to seeing wars in developed European countries, and perhaps due to a stronger feeling of compassion, that Ukrainians are civilized people "like us", numerous world leaders came together to impose various serious sanctions on Russia. The war exposed the blatant racism that people of colour in Ukraine faced when trying to flee, and also the ugly deeply rooted unconscious bias the world has. People pay lip service and post pictures to social media to make themselves look good showing support for movements such as Black Lives Matter. In sharp contrast, when it comes down to survival, their real attitudes become crystal clear. We can observe that there are different "levels of human", where empathy and humanity is revealed to be skin deep. Putin thought that the world would be indifferent, as it was to all the people of colour in the developing countries that he shamelessly waged war on. Their lives were not seen as equal and therefore the media coverage and level of aid was no where near comparable. Notwithstanding the lack of support from other countries and even his own, Putin continues to steamroll ahead with no concern for the financial and emotional well-being of his own citizens and now it looks like there is no end to the war in sight.
I used the birth time when Ukraine achieved independence from Russia. Considering all of the difficult aspects Ukraine is facing in 2022 it makes sense they have come under this huge attack. Ukraine has a considerable leo energy having jupiter at 25 degrees leo, mercury at 26 degrees leo, vertex at 26 degrees leo and venus at 28 degrees leo. The sun makes an out of sign conjunction at 0 degrees virgo. Unfortunately, transiting saturn which is a first rate malefic is making an opposition to these planets that will not be over until December 2023. It is extremely difficult when saturn crosses over a tightly conjunct stellium as so many areas of life are affected so close together. This usually causes a more severe depression and anxiety when I see it in an individual's chart because it seems nothing turns out the way you want it to, and disappointments and setbacks abound. Without a strong spiritual practice, it is easy to fall into a state of despair and helplessness. Relationships fall apart and new relationships are hard to form, careers are stalled, and new ventures don't seem to be taking off. People don't treat you well, and it is hard to get the recognition and compensation you deserve. The self-criticism and judgement are at a peak as people blame themselves for their failures. To add to the intensity, Ukraine's moon is at 22 degrees aqu which means that it is in its most intense phase of sade sati, similar to the U.S. moon at 24 degrees aqu that I wrote about in my last post on their Pluto return. In February when the war started, transiting Saturn was in an applying 4 degree conjunction to the moon. It's current position is 24 degrees aqu. Due to the retrograde motion of saturn this conjunction aspect will last until December 2023. The transiting north and south nodes were in the late degrees of taurus and scorpio, at 26 degrees. In my last post I discussed how this activated the evil energy of fixed star algol. This degree was magnified by the eclipses in Nov 2021 and May 2022 at 27 tau and 25 sco respectively. It does not help that the stellium is receiving a tight square from the nodes, which represent turning points of fate. This is a prarabdha (fixed) karma for Ukraine and regardless of how much help it receives, it will continue to endure seeing its buildings burned to the ground, citizens tortured and killed, and land forcibly taken away. Natally, the nodes are conjunct the ASC-DSC axis by 6 minutes, which suggests that they have a very heavy fixed karma to pay back. Mars and venus were conjunct the ASC by 5-6 degrees on Feb 24th, which triggered the fatality of having the nodes on this axis natally, and the outer planets setting the stage for the war. I've noticed in individual's chart when the nodes are on an angle, the person has much less free will and they are more governed by fate. The influence also tends to push people into the spotlight, particularly if the north node is on the ASC or MC. Through it all, Ukrainians, like the symbol of leo the lion have a lot of pride. They have shown admirable resilience, bravery, and fortitude. Putin can destroy the land but not the heart of the people. Natally, Ukraine has a T-Square composed of pluto at 17 degrees scorpio, moon at 22 degrees aquarius, and jupiter, venus, mercury at 25-28 degrees leo. A T-Square configuration occurs when you have three of the same signs in either mutable (gemini, virgo, pisces, sagittarius) , fixed (taurus, leo, scorpio, aquarius) or cardinal (aries, cancer, capricorn, libra) signs and they are within 13-15 degree orbs of each other at maximum. The closer the orbs the stronger the influence. T-squares are a point of tension and energetic focus, it can cause major issues in a person's life that are experienced as significant challenges, frustrations, and burdens but at the same time it can provide tremendous ambition to overcome these and achieve major accomplishments if the person consciously steps up to face the challenges. It is similar to wanting to prove to someone who thinks you lack the capability to do something, that you can do it and be successful. Right now, transiting saturn is activating the T-Square by being in the late degrees of aquarius, transiting uranus is activating it by being in the middle degrees of taurus and the nodes have been activating it by travelling through the late degrees of taurus. The missing piece, in this case planets/ nodes at late degrees of taurus have an especially strong ability to activate the T-Square. In interpersonal relationships, if you have a T-Square and someone else activates it, this person can push you to greater success potential but at the same time it can be difficult to get along and relax in their presence. Most commonly you will experience irritation, anger and stress. You may not like them, yet you could learn a lot about yourself through being in a relationship with them. Mercury is conjunct saturn in the Feb 24th chart which is descriptive of the heavy censorship Putin has imposed on his citizens. He has tightly controlled the media such that a very distorted view of his "special military operation" to save Ukraine from the Nazis within their country is used to brainwash Russians. Anyone who speaks against him can be punished and even killed. When travelling in Russia in 2016 without knowing much about it's history, I remember sensing considerable sadness and helplessness. Many Russians did not look happy; probably because they felt unfairly treated ever since Putin came to power. The mars-pluto conjunction gives a violent, ruthless and power hungry energy, with the dominant thought of kill or be killed. It is about survival of the fittest and trampling over others on the race to the top. Pursuit of ambition takes over everything else, and human lives are secondary to gaining dominance and control. Mars and pluto conjunct with venus shows how women left behind are being terrorized by the soldiers and women who leave the country are forcibly separated from their male partners. They are going to foreign countries not knowing anyone who can help them, and left vulnerable to potential exploitation. Pluto is at 17 sco and the MC is 20 sco which will both be eclipsed on Nov 8th 2022, the exact eclipse degree is 16 tau. Transiting uranus is opposing pluto and the MC now and due to its retrograde motion it won't move out of orb until 2024. Pluto is being raised to prominence and it symbolizes death and rebirth, along with transformation. The old structures have been literally burned away, and this was necessary for a newer, more powerful infrastructure to be reconstructed. The psychology of the nation will be forever altered, hopefully in a way where there will be greater unity, equity and opportunity for people of all walks of life. If you are also dealing with difficult transits from saturn, pluto, uranus and the nodes, remember that this is an opportunity to release self-sabotaging patterns that no longer serve you. Healing takes time and patience. Ultimately learning to embrace your inner power despite external challenges will take you to the next level in your life. The space between one door closing and the other yet to be opened can be scary but that is where the growth occurs, if you let it. |
January 2025
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