The war in Ukraine started on February 24th 2022 which shocked the world. Though Russia had imposed wars on other countries in the past with no real consequences from the rest of the world, something was different when they decided to strike their neighbour at this magnitude. There seems to be no valid reason other than to acquire more power and influence. We are not used to seeing wars in developed European countries, and perhaps due to a stronger feeling of compassion, that Ukrainians are civilized people "like us", numerous world leaders came together to impose various serious sanctions on Russia. The war exposed the blatant racism that people of colour in Ukraine faced when trying to flee, and also the ugly deeply rooted unconscious bias the world has. People pay lip service and post pictures to social media to make themselves look good showing support for movements such as Black Lives Matter. In sharp contrast, when it comes down to survival, their real attitudes become crystal clear. We can observe that there are different "levels of human", where empathy and humanity is revealed to be skin deep. Putin thought that the world would be indifferent, as it was to all the people of colour in the developing countries that he shamelessly waged war on. Their lives were not seen as equal and therefore the media coverage and level of aid was no where near comparable. Notwithstanding the lack of support from other countries and even his own, Putin continues to steamroll ahead with no concern for the financial and emotional well-being of his own citizens and now it looks like there is no end to the war in sight.
I used the birth time when Ukraine achieved independence from Russia. Considering all of the difficult aspects Ukraine is facing in 2022 it makes sense they have come under this huge attack. Ukraine has a considerable leo energy having jupiter at 25 degrees leo, mercury at 26 degrees leo, vertex at 26 degrees leo and venus at 28 degrees leo. The sun makes an out of sign conjunction at 0 degrees virgo. Unfortunately, transiting saturn which is a first rate malefic is making an opposition to these planets that will not be over until December 2023. It is extremely difficult when saturn crosses over a tightly conjunct stellium as so many areas of life are affected so close together. This usually causes a more severe depression and anxiety when I see it in an individual's chart because it seems nothing turns out the way you want it to, and disappointments and setbacks abound. Without a strong spiritual practice, it is easy to fall into a state of despair and helplessness. Relationships fall apart and new relationships are hard to form, careers are stalled, and new ventures don't seem to be taking off. People don't treat you well, and it is hard to get the recognition and compensation you deserve. The self-criticism and judgement are at a peak as people blame themselves for their failures. To add to the intensity, Ukraine's moon is at 22 degrees aqu which means that it is in its most intense phase of sade sati, similar to the U.S. moon at 24 degrees aqu that I wrote about in my last post on their Pluto return. In February when the war started, transiting Saturn was in an applying 4 degree conjunction to the moon. It's current position is 24 degrees aqu. Due to the retrograde motion of saturn this conjunction aspect will last until December 2023. The transiting north and south nodes were in the late degrees of taurus and scorpio, at 26 degrees. In my last post I discussed how this activated the evil energy of fixed star algol. This degree was magnified by the eclipses in Nov 2021 and May 2022 at 27 tau and 25 sco respectively. It does not help that the stellium is receiving a tight square from the nodes, which represent turning points of fate. This is a prarabdha (fixed) karma for Ukraine and regardless of how much help it receives, it will continue to endure seeing its buildings burned to the ground, citizens tortured and killed, and land forcibly taken away. Natally, the nodes are conjunct the ASC-DSC axis by 6 minutes, which suggests that they have a very heavy fixed karma to pay back. Mars and venus were conjunct the ASC by 5-6 degrees on Feb 24th, which triggered the fatality of having the nodes on this axis natally, and the outer planets setting the stage for the war. I've noticed in individual's chart when the nodes are on an angle, the person has much less free will and they are more governed by fate. The influence also tends to push people into the spotlight, particularly if the north node is on the ASC or MC. Through it all, Ukrainians, like the symbol of leo the lion have a lot of pride. They have shown admirable resilience, bravery, and fortitude. Putin can destroy the land but not the heart of the people. Natally, Ukraine has a T-Square composed of pluto at 17 degrees scorpio, moon at 22 degrees aquarius, and jupiter, venus, mercury at 25-28 degrees leo. A T-Square configuration occurs when you have three of the same signs in either mutable (gemini, virgo, pisces, sagittarius) , fixed (taurus, leo, scorpio, aquarius) or cardinal (aries, cancer, capricorn, libra) signs and they are within 13-15 degree orbs of each other at maximum. The closer the orbs the stronger the influence. T-squares are a point of tension and energetic focus, it can cause major issues in a person's life that are experienced as significant challenges, frustrations, and burdens but at the same time it can provide tremendous ambition to overcome these and achieve major accomplishments if the person consciously steps up to face the challenges. It is similar to wanting to prove to someone who thinks you lack the capability to do something, that you can do it and be successful. Right now, transiting saturn is activating the T-Square by being in the late degrees of aquarius, transiting uranus is activating it by being in the middle degrees of taurus and the nodes have been activating it by travelling through the late degrees of taurus. The missing piece, in this case planets/ nodes at late degrees of taurus have an especially strong ability to activate the T-Square. In interpersonal relationships, if you have a T-Square and someone else activates it, this person can push you to greater success potential but at the same time it can be difficult to get along and relax in their presence. Most commonly you will experience irritation, anger and stress. You may not like them, yet you could learn a lot about yourself through being in a relationship with them. Mercury is conjunct saturn in the Feb 24th chart which is descriptive of the heavy censorship Putin has imposed on his citizens. He has tightly controlled the media such that a very distorted view of his "special military operation" to save Ukraine from the Nazis within their country is used to brainwash Russians. Anyone who speaks against him can be punished and even killed. When travelling in Russia in 2016 without knowing much about it's history, I remember sensing considerable sadness and helplessness. Many Russians did not look happy; probably because they felt unfairly treated ever since Putin came to power. The mars-pluto conjunction gives a violent, ruthless and power hungry energy, with the dominant thought of kill or be killed. It is about survival of the fittest and trampling over others on the race to the top. Pursuit of ambition takes over everything else, and human lives are secondary to gaining dominance and control. Mars and pluto conjunct with venus shows how women left behind are being terrorized by the soldiers and women who leave the country are forcibly separated from their male partners. They are going to foreign countries not knowing anyone who can help them, and left vulnerable to potential exploitation. Pluto is at 17 sco and the MC is 20 sco which will both be eclipsed on Nov 8th 2022, the exact eclipse degree is 16 tau. Transiting uranus is opposing pluto and the MC now and due to its retrograde motion it won't move out of orb until 2024. Pluto is being raised to prominence and it symbolizes death and rebirth, along with transformation. The old structures have been literally burned away, and this was necessary for a newer, more powerful infrastructure to be reconstructed. The psychology of the nation will be forever altered, hopefully in a way where there will be greater unity, equity and opportunity for people of all walks of life. If you are also dealing with difficult transits from saturn, pluto, uranus and the nodes, remember that this is an opportunity to release self-sabotaging patterns that no longer serve you. Healing takes time and patience. Ultimately learning to embrace your inner power despite external challenges will take you to the next level in your life. The space between one door closing and the other yet to be opened can be scary but that is where the growth occurs, if you let it.
When I found out that the landmark decision of Roe v. Wade giving autonomy to women over their bodies with regards to having a baby was overturned, I was devastated. I couldn't believe women of my generation and those after living in a North American country will not have the same rights as our mothers and grandmothers. Women who have resources can travel to states where they can get abortions, and those who lack money are left with no legal choices to terminate their pregnancy. We divide society further and further by race and social class, and the most marginalized groups are left in vulnerable positions. For all the progress women have made over the last 50 years, this is a huge step backwards. I know the collective dharma, our sense of right and wrong, has been rapidly decreasing since 2020, and the power abuses in the name of COVID on a disturbing upward trend. Pluto is all about power and control, it makes sense that it's return would cause those in power to ruthlessly seek more of it by forcing their personal ideologies on others. Knowing the majority of the U.S. did not hold anti-abortion views, six Supreme Court justices (five men and one woman) knew they didn't have to be held accountable for the impact their decisions would have on women in their country and most likely influence other countries around the world. I can't help but think, if this decision was really for the best interest of the child, why not invest more in programs for struggling single mothers, extend parental leave, provide larger subsidies for daycare or assist with items such as diapers or formula? None of these are a priority. Instead, women who have been raped, or who are in school, or lack the funds to raise the child and struggle without family support, or those who feel forced to put the child up for adoption, among countless other difficult scenarios, will be forced to carry their baby to term with untold trauma that may take a lifetime to work out. When the mother is not happy, the child cannot be happy. Decisions like this may cause intergenerational trauma and it perpetuates the systemic poverty that influences generations.
Currently in the sky, there is a mars-pluto square which is a very controlling, violent energy that can be greedy, ruthless and power hungry. If you look at the U.S. birth chart, transiting saturn today is sitting exactly on the moon at 24 aqu (moon represents women) and the moon is in the 5th house (of children), so it is a logical consequence that the rights of women to make decisions about their childbearing has been revoked. Saturn is about restrictions, obligations and duty. The U.S. is under immense pressure with saturn conjunct the moon as the moon in vedic astrology represents the mind. The U.S. is in it's most intense phase of sade sati and has reached a boiling point. Saturn making a conjunction to the moon causes grief, sadness, anger, feeling of being stuck and trying your best but going nowhere, and overall depression and anxiety. The pluto return saturn is at 17 aqu which conjuncts the U.S. birth chart 5th house cusp at 16 aqu by 1 degree, saturn's effect on the 5th house is symbolic of a sense of burden and obligation with respect to children, and/or difficulties with child birth and raising a child. Additionally the 5th house cusp is 16 aqu which is being squared by a degree by transiting uranus, so this decision came as a huge shock to people when it was first leaked, and even now as people may have thought public pressure could have stopped it from occurring. In the pluto return, venus rules the 5th house and is weakened by being in an exact conjunction with mars, which is a second rate malefic in vedic astrology. Venus is the feminine principle and mars is the masculine principle and venus being closely conjunct mars suggests women's rights being overpowered by men in power for their own gains. I wrote about the Amber Heard and Johnny Depp trial in my last post, and while I did not take sides as to who is more correct, I think the effect of this trial will be to silence women and empower wealthy men to think their money can allow them to get away with bad behaviour. Saturn is the dispositor of venus in capricorn, and it is at 16 degrees aqu, which is being squared by transiting uranus in taurus now. Uranus will retrograde in August and will go back to 16 tau this November, where it also makes a tight conjunction to the eclipse at 16 tau on Nov 8th. This can be explosive and political decisions over the next year may be game changers. The north and south nodes in the pluto return at 26 tau-26 sco make an exact conjunction and opposition to the most malefic fixed star in the heavens Algol, which is widely understood to be associated with evil, intense anger and sadness, destruction, disasters and violence. The eclipses in November 2021 and May 2022 were very close to this axis at 27 tau and 25 sco respectively, which magnified the malefic energy. In the return chart saturn is in the 9th house of judges and the law, and usually this correlates with judges making excessively conservative decisions. They may think they are being ethical but it is hard to see how they can think this decision is the most compassionate. You are allowing a child in this world with the possibility that critical physical, emotional and mental needs are not being met. The ripple effects of these six judges will be felt for decades. It will take a long time for this to sink in, how women have been stripped of their power, setting the precedent for further rights of women and other oppressed groups to be taken away as well. Many people believed their government's response to COVID was out of proportion to the risks posed by the disease, and the imposed restrictions a way for governments to gain more power and wealth at the expense of their citizens. Certainly, as a Canadian I have witnessed things occurring that I could have never imagined happening in this tolerant and freedom-loving country prior to 2020. So many people live as if karma is not real with a stunning lack of empathy and respect for other people. Today the majority of the U.S. Supreme Court flaunts their power, thinking they are gods who can get away with anything. They have no idea what they set in motion for their future lives. It was in 2012 that I first launched this website, and began a more professional practice of Astronumerology. I had done readings for family and friends prior to that and in perfect timing as my venus was eclipsed in May 2012 at 0 degrees gemini (venus rules my 10th house and is in the 10th house) I began working on and subsequently published this website. It was time to define part of my professional identity as an Astronumerologist. It was (and still is) my intention to teach the public about this profound art and science that has transformed my life, and make the teachings as accessible and practical as they could be, while at the same time maintaining its depth and authenticity. Since then I have done hundreds of readings for people all over the world, which I am so grateful for as I learn from each and every client's life. I will never cease to be amazed at how the universal intelligence plans everything, sometimes down to the minute, and everything occurs in divine timing. The planetary motions are the gradual unfolding of our karma over time. The stars give timing to our fate, they don't determine it. We determine it through the karma of our past and present actions.
I celebrated my birthday yesterday and had the chance to reflect on how my philosophies have changed with my new experiences. I believe that you can never have all the slices of the pie at the same time in life, each slice representing different desirable conditions in life. To me, happiness comes from focusing on the slices that I do have, and surrendering to God's plan for my life. The law of attraction and manifestation trains people to focus on desire after desire, always wanting something else. Some popular teachers preach that if only you can visualize in great detail what you want to have on a daily basis and want it badly enough, you will surely have it as long as you follow their special method. I think they exploit the sense of lack and longing for happiness that many people have. Through my studies, I have come to understand that their fixed karma is to be wealthy or famous because their soul felt these conditions were most conducive to learning the lessons they came to earth to learn. They would have become externally successful even without these law of attraction practices. Just because a person is famous or well regarded in their field, does not mean they are wiser, more evolved or talented than anyone else. They just have the karma to live their lives in the public eye. They have the same internal struggles and fall into the same traps that the average person does, yet they are admired and emulated by those who believe they are truly happy. The trouble with the law of attraction is that you are left living with a subtle level of unhappiness no matter how much you have accomplished or how ideal your life looks from the outside. There may be a sense of longing for someone else to validate your latest accomplishment, for you to gain wider recognition or compensation for your skills, and for loved ones to behave in a way that is accordance with your expectations of them. When others fail to meet expectations, you are unhappy. In contrast, when you accept people for who they are, you have more inner peace because your happiness is no longer dependent on the way they treat you. I think positive affirmations and goal setting are important, so long as you do not get attached to a particular outcome or judge your sense of worth in comparison with others. Thoughts are trains and you need to be careful about which train you get on. Sometimes our own plans for our lives do not accurately reflect the fixed karmas in our charts, or the wider universal script. It can sometimes be difficult to comprehend why certain outcomes occur. I no longer give my mental peace away by replaying in my mind what I wished could have gone differently. People are in our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime. I trust that whomever is with me is meant to be with me at this time and I let go of those who are no longer with me. People can only stay so long as there is a match energetically, or there is some karma to be worked out, and when there is a shift in either person or the work between them is finished for this lifetime, people will go their separate ways. I believe the best way to proceed is to take action towards your goals keeping in mind the universe may have a different plan for you. Surrender to divine will brings the deep rooted peace we see in those who have become self-realized. There are many unexpected twists along the way that could never have been anticipated and that change the course of your life. We must not lose faith trying to understand why things happened the way they did because we did not write the script: "When something does not go the way we anticipated, we tend to blame ourselves. We assume that it was some fault, failing or curse of our own that caused the project not to bear the intended fruit. However, God’s plan is sometimes inscrutable and His ways are frequently mysterious. The reason for a project’s failure or a venture’s loss may have no connection with our hard work or capabilities. It may simply have to do with the script of the Eternal and Universal Drama." - H.H. Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji We can find happiness to the degree we surrender to God's plan instead of craving for more and trying to change the script. Our destinies are interrelated and the intersection of important meetings have already been set at specific times. The universe has perfect intelligence and wisdom. I have observed that people create much of their own sadness and anxiety by having thoughts and expectations that are not in line with their destiny. It’s so peaceful to go through life watching it as the passing show, while the real excitement is within our own souls, to go inward is where the magic is. It is now a inner knowing of mine that you can try as hard and as long as you want, but if what you want to happen isn't part of the cosmic play, it won't happen. And then there are times that things will happen effortlessly. You must try your best but learn to accept outcomes as God's will and sometimes beyond the human mind to fully understand these mysterious ways. I've learned it's best not to judge an outcome as good or bad, because we may not know why the sequencing of events had to happen a certain way. I believe that is what the sages mean when they say that thinking is not necessary for life to go on, and now I realize the futility of thinking so much on a given topic when the outcome is already set to occur. Surrender means letting go and letting God. I love the sense of renewal and rebirth that comes with my birthday, as I feel radiant and ready to take on the next turn around the sun. I have so much gratitude for all of my loyal clients, many of whom have become friends. It has been an immense privilege to get to know you over the last 10 years and I hope to see many more. |
January 2025
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