![]() The Amber Heard and Johnny Depp trial has captivated millions of people around the globe, as intimate details of the former couple's marriage come under intense scrutiny. Johnny is suing Amber for $50 million dollars and she is countersuing for $100 million. The question at hand is did Amber defame Johnny by saying she is a victim of domestic violence? Is there enough evidence that she is telling the truth to defend her American right to free speech? Their marital therapist says they mutually abused each other and I have to agree with this. I do think with Amber's 1 degree square between mercury and neptune that it is likely she embellished her stories, and lied about multiple things. However, I don't think she is lying about everything, there are some specks of truth in what she says. Nevertheless, the lying may take away from her credibility in the eyes of the jurors and the public. Johnny also has a mercury-neptune opposition but at 12 degrees it isn't as potent as Amber's mercury-neptune aspect. He is also capable of misrepresentation or denial of the facts. Mercury-neptune hard aspects (conjunction, opposition, sesquiquadrate, quincunx, semi-square and square) are very well known for "shading the truth". Amber has her moon square neptune and her mars conjunct neptune which makes me believe she does lie even to herself, it is possible she has convinced herself her version of reality is the objective truth. People who have many personal planets in hard aspect to neptune can lie both to themselves and others, both consciously and unconsciously. Both have hard mercury-mars aspects, which are known for being sharp and cutting with words, provoking verbal arguments, and being blunt. Amber has mercury square mars by 5 degrees and Johnny has mercury square mars by 8 degrees (out of sign). I have been following the trial regularly and recently decided to take a look at what is happening with their charts. They are facing what astrologers call a prarabdha karma, a fixed karma that cannot be changed. We live many lives on earth and the birth chart is a small piece of the total karma the soul has accumulated that is to be played out in this current role in this lifetime. Some karmas are more changeable with varying levels of effort and free will but some are completely fixed. I included only Johnny's vedic chart as he has an accurate birth time, and Amber's birth time is unknown. Vedic astrology is more sensitive to having an exact birth time as compared to the western chart for the planetary strength calculations and divisional charts. The 7th house is the house of marriage for both vedic and western. Looking at his 7th house in his rasi (birth chart), saturn is in capricorn and it is retrograde. Saturn in the 7th usually brings a marriage that is more characterized by duty, obligation and responsibility than love. The retrograde adds an element of turning saturn's nature inward, making one excessively self-critical and perhaps more critical of the partner as a result. People with this placement often have heavier karma to pay back in marriage, as they find themselves with partners who may not see their true value, treat them poorly and/or not consider their needs and desires as equally deserving to be met. They may get selfish or unethical partners who do what they want to do without considering the other person's feelings. This does not necessarily relate to length of the marriage but more so quality. They can stay in a partnership for several years tolerating being unhappy and unfulfilled; staying out of a belief that they must do for some seemingly important reason. Happiness, joy and the pleasure of spending time with the partner may not be there too often or they may have to be the caretaker of their partner in some way. The partnership may not be one of equals in reality or one person may feel subjectively inferior or superior to the other. I have even seen cases where the partners divorce but someone with saturn in the 7th will still take care of the partner to an unusual degree when they aren't able to do so themselves. Because saturn is the ruler of capricorn, neither the 7th house nor its ruler receive any aspects from any other planet, strengthening the effects of having saturn in the 7th house, which is not a desirable feature to have. If he had benefic influences such as jupiter, venus, mercury or a bright moon, this could have helped him. In the navamsha chart, (chart of the spouse), the 7th house is truly in horrible condition, with 4 malefics influencing it, and no benefic influences to help. The 7th house has rahu and mars in it, while saturn casts a backward square and ketu opposes it. I find rahu and ketu in the 1st-7th axis or associated with the 7th house ruler or dispositor in the navamsha to be like a roller coaster ride with the spouse. Mars conjuncts the descendant by 7 degrees and gives a strong element of serious fighting and provocation, making the partners excessively aggressive with each other. Compromising is not something either of them wants to do, nor is picking their battles carefully. Saturn's backward square is by 6 degrees, also giving a strong element of restriction, grief, feelings of being held back from the other; self-esteem takes a big hit. The ruler of the navamsha chart is jupiter which is in its absolute worst degree, 5 degrees capricorn, the EXACT degree of its debilitation and where it is weakest. Each planet has an exact exaltation degree which is the best degree out of 360 degrees for it to be in and the exact degree of debilitation, which is the worst degree out of 360 degrees for it to be in. Jupiter's exaltation is 5 cancer and its debilitation is 5 capricorn. Either the person's partner suffers tremendously due directly to them, or as a result of being in a partnership with them by being attacked by external sources or facing undue hardship. It also works the other way, with the person who has the planet in fall suffering tremendously due to their partner. In her vedic chart, Amber's mercury is at 12 degrees pisces, only 3 degrees away from its extreme degree of debilitation at 15 pisces. Mercury represents logic, thinking style and communications. Potentially due to this debilitation, her communication may come across as dishonest and manipulative even though in her mind she is expressing her personal truth. Her truths lack evidence in the objective sense, which has become apparent in the cross examination. Although we have a right to free speech, it must meet standards of objective truth to avoid charges of defamation and I am not sure she will be successful in this regard. The truth is the factual truth, not the truth just from one person's perspective. The 7th house ruler in the navamsha is mercury which suffers greatly due to its conjunction to a fallen jupiter. Venus in a man's chart represents his wife, so venus being conjunct a fallen jupiter can mean there is something wrong with the wife's personality. There have been accusations from Depp's lawyers that Amber may have borderline personality disorder and histrionic personality disorder. Their marital therapist also said that Amber would be the aggressor more often. In the rasi, jupiter is in the 9th house, the 9th house represents the second marriage, thus it would make sense that he had a second marriage during its mahadasha (his first marriage was 1983-1985). The 7th house represents marriage overall but especially the first marriage. For second marriages, I consider the quality of both the 7th and 9th houses. Because jupiter is in pisces, both the 9th house and 9th house ruler jupiter only receive the aspect of saturn by its special forward sextile and mars by its special forward 8th aspect, the orb is about 9 degrees for saturn and 11 degrees for mars. Receiving only malefic and no benefic influences to the 7th and 9th houses is bound to cause significant hardship, ruin and grief through marriage. Additionally, looking at the dignities in the 16 divisions, in 8/16 of them jupiter is debilitated or in a great enemy sign. There is no way to avoid this but to burn the karma through living through it. The vimshottari dasha system shows the unfolding of our karma over time, and we see Johnny started his Jupiter dasha on September 21st 2013, after he had dated Amber for nearly two years and then married her on February 3rd 2015, when he ran jupiter-jupiter-venus (jupiter is the navamsha chart ruler and it is conjunct venus in the navamsha giving it the power to bring about marriage). They started dating in his rahu-moon period, rahu aspects the moon in the navamsha by trine and in the rasi, rahu is in the 7th sign from the moon. The navamsha is not just the spouse, it is called the fruit of the tree and is studied along with the rasi for an understanding into the personality and overall life circumstances of the individual. Jupiter is in bad condition and that is why as a result of Amber Heard, his professional status, wealth and honours all started to crumble during this period. This jupiter period lasts until September 2029, so things should start to look better for him (relationship wise) once he begins his saturn mahadasha. Looking at Johnny's western 7th house, his neptune forms an EXACT square to the descendant, showing that he has trouble seeing his wives for who they really are, because he sees them through rose colored glasses at first, and then is greatly disappointed when he learns the truth. He is unable to see red flags even when warned by others. When you have hard aspects from a personal planet to the other person's neptune, it often creates an inability to accept the person for who they really are, to put them on a pedestal they can not live up to which inevitably leads to heartbreak. I look at both the composite and davison charts when examining relationships between two people, in addition to the synastry. Keep in mind that the houses are not correct in the composite and davison because Amber's birth time is unknown. The moon would be reasonably close to its position but not exact. The other planets are in their correct positions. Johnny's moon is conjunct Amber's mars and neptune and his jupiter makes an exact square to her neptune. Amber's sun and venus are opposing Johnny's neptune. His addictions to drugs and alcohol are partly due to the neptune square to the ascendant-descendant axis, neptune represents addictions and escapes. Saturn is the only planet in the 7th house which is the same as the vedic chart. The ruler of the 7th house is uranus which is closely conjunct mars, showing that either the person or their partner can be antagonistic and aggressive, and is not one to make peace easily. Johnny has an explosive mars-pluto-uranus conjunction within 8 degrees which is indicative of his fiery temper, dark sarcastic humour and angry outbursts. Amber's venus is in a wide out of sign square to this explosive combo and in secondary progression her venus and sun in 2016 were making an exact square to uranus and more tightly squaring mars. Johnny to start with is someone who can get angry at a moments notice, sometimes as a total shock to others and react explosively. Amber's wide natal square from venus to his uranus-mars conjunction sets the stage but the progression of both her sun and mercury to an exact square with uranus in 2015- 2016 really set off the violence. Given that his uranus is in virgo, the dispositor of the 7th house is mercury and mercury is at 25 degrees taurus, closely conjunct the most malefic fixed star algol. Unfortunately, both Amber and Johnny also have their venus conjunct algol (Amber by 1 degree and Johnny exact). The eclipses on November 19th 2021 at 27 degrees taurus and on May 16th 2022 at 25 degrees scorpio are bringing to life this fixed karma. Algol is associated with humiliation, degradation, ruin, grief and a fall from grace. The goddess of love and romance is extremely unhappy being here as falling in love can bring intense pain and sorrow. Worse still, their venus placements are tightly square Johnny's saturn in the 7th house, showing sizeable blockages in their ability to express love to each other. The feelings of rejection, judgement and censorship are prominent. Venus making an opposition, square or conjunction to saturn is one of the worst synastry aspects to have. This "triggering" was discussed by their therapist as well. The synastry and composite show unique relational dynamics between two people. Some people will pull out the worst of you and others the best. Johnny did not have these types of problems in his previous relationships, however the synastry and composite with Amber set off his natal potential with the mars-pluto-uranus conjunction squaring her secondary progressed sun and mercury, them sharing the same venus conjunct algol, and his moon conjunct the north node squaring her moon and making a conjunction to her mars and neptune. The moon conjunct mars causes sexual chemistry but also a lot of fighting. The moon conjunct neptune causes confusion in interpreting the other person's emotions, and difficulty with accurately identifying the emotions the other person is feeling, this conjunction is seen in the davison chart as well. In the davison chart we see mars, mercury and uranus conjunct. In the composite we see mercury opposing the mars-uranus conjunction. Because these themes repeat multiple times it becomes a very prominent theme in their relationship. It perfectly captures the verbal bickering and taunting, which turned into physical aggression and violence on both sides, and what Amber experienced as rough sex. The name calling and intentional humiliation and degradation between them was quite extreme from the text messages and audios played in court. Amber went to the extent of placing human feces on Johnny's side of the bed! Both of them had very malicious intent towards each other, which was more often on the side of hatred than love. They both seemed to want to ruin each other's lives and careers. "Anderson, a Los Angeles-based therapist, counseled Heard and Depp in late 2015, the same year they got married. While in counseling, Heard had a "jackhammer style of talking" and cut off Depp because he couldn't keep a similar pace, according to Anderson. The therapist also testified that Depp had been "well controlled" for the majority of his life but was "triggered" by Heard. She said that both of them were victims of abuse growing up. "And then with Ms. Heard, [Depp] was triggered and they engaged as what I saw as mutual abuse," Anderson said, during the recorded deposition played in court. She said that when Heard was "triggered" by something Depp did, she considered it a "point of pride" to "initiate" a fight, and "if [Depp] was going to leave her to deescalate the fight, she would strike him to keep him there." The couple's counselor also said that Heard started the fights with Depp on more than one occasion to "keep him with her because abandonment and having him leave was her worst nightmare." Anderson added, "I think [Depp] may have initiated it on occasions too. That I am less sure on." At the same time, they had very similar tastes because they shared a tight venus-venus conjunction and mercury-venus conjunction. This is what Amber said of their immediate connection: “We talked about books and music, poetry. We like a lot of the same stuff. Obscure writers and interesting books and pieces of poetry I haven't heard anyone else know or reference or like,” she recalled of their first meeting. She described Depp as "very well read and charismatic." Heard said she may have left his office with a few books he'd lent her. "I knew who he was. I wasn't a fan of his work. I wasn't familiar with him, but I knew who he was. I knew he was one of the most famous people in the world," she said. "It was weird, because he's twice my age and this famous actor, and here we are getting along about old books and the blues. I thought it was unusual and remarkable. I left there feeling, like, 'wow.'" "I felt like this man knew me and saw me in a way that nobody else had," Heard told jurors. "He made me feel seen, made me feel like a million dollars. That kind of feeling where he just lavished gifts, lavished expressions of love, and how he'd never met a woman like me. I remember he took the foil off of this bottle and put it on my ring finger, and I had only been with him, like, days, maybe it was weeks at the time. It just felt very intense." Johnny felt their similar tastes were cold and calculated on her part, and I cannot say that she did not research his interests to some degree but having those tight mercury-venus and venus-venus conjunctions would naturally give them very similar tastes in art, music, books, poetry, fashion, beauty, entertainment and anything else associated with venus' domain. This is how he describes it after their divorce: Depp claimed that Heard "had well and truly research me and my interests and she would try to pose as some expert or intellectual on these things to try to ingratiate herself with me." "She presented herself as a carbon copy of me, with precisely the same interests, thoughts, favorite writers, taste in music and art as me," he said in court filings. "Rather than see this as calculated, sociopathic and emotionally dishonest, I convinced myself that it was endearing and sweet." Looking at the eclipses we see that Johnny's MC at 3 degrees taurus is activated by the eclipse on October 25th 2022 at 2 degrees taurus. Many people see this trial as vindication of Johnny's name and that he has already won in the court of public opinion regardless of the outcome of the trial. So perhaps, he will see more career opportunities come his way (the MC and 10th house is career). His neptune at 13 scorpio is activated by the eclipses on April 30th 2021 at 10 taurus and November 8th 2022 at 16 degrees scorpio, neptune rules his 8th house so could relate to the money he has to pay Amber or is paid by Amber (8th house represents gaining money that you don't earn, or paying money to others). Neptune in his 4th house also suggests changes in his home, either moving homes or significantly changing his current home. His mercury and venus were both activated by the eclipses mentioned earlier last November and this May. In total 3 planets and an angle are eclipsed showing 2022 as a year when things can finally start changing for Johnny. Amber's sun is at 2 degrees taurus, and when your sun is eclipsed it is a life changing year for you. Her venus at 25 taurus is also eclipsed, though we don't know which houses these planets influence. Her pluto at 6 scorpio is activated by the eclipses in April 2022 and October 2022. She may move out of acting and spend more time on motherhood and perhaps start other projects that are very different from those she has done in the past. In the composite chart, it shows the couple's venus and sun at 25 degrees taurus opposite the moon at 25 degrees scorpio. The moon is reasonably close to 25 degrees scorpio even though we don't know Amber's exact birth time, thus 3 personal planets were eclipsed. In the davison, sun is conjunct venus at 22-24 degrees scorpio so these were eclipsed in 2021-2022 as well. The venus-sun conjunctions in both davison and composite as well as her sun conjunct his MC in synastry both show the mutual admiration, and feeling loved and adored when they first met. These aspects enable you to feel you are a star in the other person's eyes. In terms of transits, saturn is making its second return for Johnny. Currently saturn is at 25 degrees aquarius. On April 11th 2022 when the trial started, Saturn was making an EXACT conjunction to his natal saturn in the 7th house, triggering this fixed karma. Jupiter just entered his 9th house earlier this month and mars is also transiting through his 9th house. As the jury prepares to deliver its verdict, transiting venus is closely conjunct his MC and transiting mercury is conjunct his mercury-venus conjunction. Transiting venus is conjunct Amber's sun and transiting mercury is conjunct her venus. Transiting saturn is squaring both Johnny and Amber's venus within a degree. Luck is more on Johnny's side as benefic jupiter is transiting through his 9th house which represents law and lawsuits, so he probably will gain more than he loses. As well, venus conjunct the MC usually allows you to showcase a more pleasing and harmonious appearance. His 8th house is also much stronger than Amber's natally, being involved in numerous wealth and status producing yogas in the vedic chart and in the western chart, the cusp is critical degree 4 pisces and the ruler neptune involved in many favourable aspects. I believe everything is unfolding just as it should be in divine timing. I don't care anymore about what the jury decides because divine justice is so much more important. People who think they get away with things due to lack of earthly accountability always must pay their dues with the perfect law of karma. They are both living this reality because of karmic transgressions in the past. I hope Johnny and Amber are both able to close this painful chapter in their lives, to release old baggage and trauma that are holding them back, and to move forward in a way that brings them healing and growth.
6/1/2022 07:06:20 pm
I love your analysis, so detailed and well researched. Today, Johnny Depp won the case, it isn't surprising with jupiter in his 9th house. I wonder if this is the last of them together or if there's more, such a toxic union if there ever was one.
Natalie Myers
6/2/2022 06:52:05 am
I have to admit I have been following this trial quite obsessively and am so glad Johnny won. Amber seems to be petty and deluded, and while I think Johnny said some nasty things to her, he never was violent. I hope he can get his career back after this.
6/2/2022 01:15:27 pm
Amber Heard was an awful person to represent the Me Too movement, I hate that it sets the movement back. However Johnny deserved to win in this instance as there was no proof he was violent physically with her. Interesting to see their relational dynamics through astrology, explains a lot of the volatility.
Brent C
6/3/2022 04:38:13 am
This is fascinating, how astrology can depict how people are going to impact each other and it’s so true. Both of them were relatively controlled on their own but together it was explosive, I see now because of all those squares to sensitive planets. There was also an element of Johnny being more powerful than Amber, so we may have not seen all the evidence. Plus in the U.K, the newspaper was the defendant and they were more powerful than him on their own land. Amber did not defeat Johnny on her own in 2020. Like you said, divine justice is more important than whatever the courts rule so if Johnny was being dishonest, it will be his bad karma.
Samantha Samuels
6/14/2022 08:06:32 pm
I just watched Amber's interview. She said "I spoke truth to power and paid the price". It is very difficult to get your full narrative out there in a court when you are in a David versus Goliath scenario. I know the judges (who know on what side their bread is buttered) can completely twist your story and even put this libel in writing, because there is no one to hold them accountable. Heard stated that they didn't allow her to use all of her evidence. Even the fact that she is being grilled by Savannah Guthrie, who is the wife of a legal consultant on the Depp side, shows the bias. It is clear Guthrie doesn't believe her and she is cold to her. I don't know if she had any other offers for an interview with a less biased interviewer.
6/3/2022 07:51:07 pm
I don't think this case reflects poorly on the MeToo movement because Amber was equally an aggressor, not a victim. I think her chart shows her aggressiveness with those hard aspects to mars and pluto. Depp is no saint but he wasn't the only one to blame and didn't deserve for his career to take the hit it took for so long.
Sammy Wong
6/7/2022 05:30:03 am
Amber is going through difficult transits right now so the verdict isn’t surprising that it’s against her. I agree with you that some of what she said is true but she exaggerated and lied at times which damaged her credibility. The money they awarded Depp I don’t think sends the right message to domestic abuse survivors. 5 men and 2 women on the jury was also lopsided, as men generally aren’t going to support the me too movement as much as women.
Samantha Samuels
6/14/2022 08:58:24 pm
I think years from now, people will see that they should have had at least one, if not two, more women on the jury because it is true that men don't appreciate the "me too" movement as much as women due to their own defensiveness at being potentially accused. It is similar to white privilege; I've never met a white person who wants to readily admit they have benefitted from the color of their skin. Doing so would take away from the power they currently enjoy, just as the me too movement seeks to equalize power between men and women.
6/8/2022 07:44:21 pm
They were mutually abusive as you can see from their charts with each other, individually they were both aggressive and then together they set each other off. When one person is naturally aggressive, they have to choose someone who can understand their personality, not someone like them who will make things worse. I hope domestic violence survivors maintain their courage to speak out, especially against their partners who may have more resources.
Katie M
6/17/2022 05:34:01 am
This explains a lot about why they were so toxic together. I remember when we did the reading with my then boyfriend and you told me about a number of issues that had the potential to surface with time. A lot of those I did start to see as I got to know him in different contexts and with different people. I am about to get married to the love of my life this summer. The timing has to be right too.
Mr. James
6/18/2022 11:15:13 am
The media only shares what it wants to share. I take the news on this trial with a grain of salt because there are a lot of puzzle pieces missing here.
10/26/2022 12:17:50 pm
I hope they can both move on with their lives and out this behind them. Star crossed lovers for sure.
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