The composite chart is the midpoint of your planets and angles with another person. For example, if your sun is at 25 degrees gemini and your partner's sun is at 25 degrees cancer, the composite chart sun would be at 10 degrees cancer. This is because there is a 30 degree separation between the suns, so you must divide this in two to get 15 degrees, and then you add 15 degrees to the sun which is earlier in the zodiac, 25 degrees gemini. The result is 10 degrees cancer. Fortunately, there is software to calculate the composite chart, and you may create a free chart on We think of the composite chart as useful for learning about the karma, strengths, weaknesses, personality and overall flavour of a relationship. This is the energy projected onto the world by the couple, and how they are viewed in society when they are together.
You can compare your natal planets and angles to the planets and angles of the composite to see how the relationship affects you. For instance, if your natal north and south nodes are the same as the composite's ascendant- descendant axis, this relationship will have a profound impact on you, and feel very fated, regardless of how long you stay together. If your moon is conjunct the IC of the composite, you will feel naturally at home with the person and may feel you get into deep conversations, sharing things you normally don't share with others so quickly, or at all. The relationship has an unusual comfort that develops at a fast pace, and you can find yourself pouring out your soul to this person. We can see one-sided relationships through the composite, when one person's natal chart is highly activated and the other person's is not. For instance, if my natal sun-moon opposition falls close to the asc-dsc axis or MC-IC axis of the relationship chart, it will play an important role in my self-concept and self-development. I may have a high attachment to the relationship. For the relationship to be a long term, mutually engaging one, both people's natal charts must be activated by the composite. The synastry chart must be studied along with composite to get a comprehensive analysis. I find that the composite is an invaluable tool for gaining insight into the themes and trends affecting a relationship at any given time period so I use it in my predictive readings. The transiting planets and eclipses affect a composite chart in the same way they affect a natal chart. The retrograde and direct motion of outer planets are relevant in the timing of energetic shifts. To help you to see how this operates, I will use an example of a couple who briefly dated. From the woman's perspective, she had met a man in the past few weeks whom she connected with immediately; she was thinking about him often and was able to share her innermost feelings. They spent hours talking on the phone every night and when they met in person it would be sweet and romantic. It felt to her that it was just the two of them regardless of how many people were there. He said the right things at the right times and she felt special with him. Looking at their composite, the asc-dsc axis at 17 virgo-17 pisces was just one degree away from her sun-moon midpoint at 18 degrees virgo and was closely conjunct her solar arc directed asc-dsc axis. This is significant as it shows the degree of investment and hopes projected onto the relationship, at least from the woman's side. I could see the intensity of connection she felt in quite a few ways. To name some of the most important: 1. the composite vertex was 8 degrees away from the composite descendant, 2. his converse progressed asc-dsc axis was 4 degrees away from the composite asc-dsc axis, 3. his converse progressed vertex was exactly conjunct the composite vertex, 4. the composite nodes were 8 degrees from the composite asc-dsc axis, 5.his natal nodes were just 4 degrees away from the composite asc-dsc axis, 6.his progressed vertex made an exact conjunction to her natal sun, 7.the composite moon was 3 degrees away from the composite IC, 8. both of their natal moons were conjunct the composite chart IC, hers by 3 degrees and his by 8 degrees. Her converse progressed vertex made a one degree conjunction to the composite IC. 9. his secondary progressed venus was just 1 degree away from the composite asc-dsc axis, and was just 2 degrees away from her natal sun-moon midpoint. 10. his secondary progressed asc-dsc was 3 degrees away from her natal IC-MC and his secondary progressed MC-IC was just 2 degrees away from her natal asc-dsc axis. 11. his solar arc directed venus made an exact conjunction to her secondary progressed ascendant 12. her natal nodes were conjunct his natal asc-dsc axis by 8 degrees Intensity and excitement do not necessarily translate into longevity and I wasn't optimistic regarding the long term potential. Looking at the aspects, it would be fair to conclude that they had a strong genuine mutual attraction with the potential for great emotional depth. At the same time, it was not real love nor the type of enduring karmic bond you would see in couples who marry or stay together for a long period. The main issues were caused by hard aspects to neptune. Neptune was of greater significance to her because her natal neptune made an exact conjunction to her natal vertex and squared her natal nodes by just 1 degree. Hard neptune aspects cause unrealistic expectations, putting the other on a pedestal, and being disappointed when the partner can't live up to those expectations. It can also cause people to be less than honest, vague, sometimes deliberately lying, confusing and gaslighting the other for their own purposes. With hard neptune aspects, we ignore red flags despite the advice of those closest to us. We can go to great lengths to justify what should not be justified, and to accept treatment we would not put up with from other people. We hope in vain the other person will change when there is no reasonable basis for it. We ignore objective information about their past and present to arrive at the conclusions we desire. These are some of the most problematic neptune aspects: 1. There was an opposition between venus and neptune (I call this the heartbreak aspect) in the composite. Her progressed venus was opposed to their natal neptune, his natal venus made a quincunx (minor hard aspect) to their natal neptune and his converse progressed venus was oppose their natal neptune, all within 2-3 degrees. Her converse progressed venus was square their natal neptunes (widely). 2. Though the composite showed a trine between mercury and neptune, her secondary progressed neptune made an exact opposition to his natal neptune and his natal mercury squared her natal neptune which made miscommunication and both concious and unconscious deceit prominent. They both heard what they want to hear from the other. 3. His solar arc directed moon made a one degree conjunction to her natal neptune. This is a highly idealistic and sensitive aspect. At the same time, people try to shape the relationship into something it can't be and get disappointed when the other's human flaws become more apparent. 4. Her natal mars was opposite his natal neptune. His mars (which was his 7th house ruler) squared his own and her natal neptune. His neptune squared his asc-dsc axis. Because of his natal aspects, he had a strong natural tendency to see partners not as who they were but who he wanted them to be. This would stay with him all his life and affect all his partners. In addition to this, looking at the chart for the day they had their first date, transiting venus, sun, and mars were widely square their natal neptune and the asc-dsc axis of the first date chart. The transiting moon, saturn, north node and pluto were widely conjunct their natal neptune. The ascendant of the first date chart was 15 degrees capricorn, meaning that it made a conjunction to their natal neptune and had transiting saturn, north node and pluto within 5 degrees of the ascendant. There was good reason to believe that her feelings would abruptly change with the direct motion of neptune, when the rose colored glasses came off. This was set to happen about 7 weeks from the date they met. Transiting neptune on the day they met was at 16 degrees pisces and it was retrograde. For saturn, uranus, neptune and pluto, we can feel the energetic shift for a week before they go direct and before they go retrograde. Six days before neptune turned direct, she had a change of heart and informed him she didn't see a future for them romantically. There was an eclipse at 4 degrees capricorn that made a conjunction to both of their natal neptunes at 7 degrees capricorn. This eclipse occurred a month after she broke up with him. Keep in mind each person must have their own personal transits signalling a break up, the transiting neptune and the eclipse are just a few triggers. Eclipses can have their effects retroactively for up to a year or can be triggered by transits for up to 5 years after they occur (depending on the power of that particular eclipse). The eclipse can show its effects around the actual day/week of the eclipse, or perhaps the preceeding or following month, if this is so it does not need a planetary transit for its effects. This is in contrast to new and full moons in which the strongest effects are always felt within the month, if it does activate an important point in your chart. The new and full moons always fall in a house where its possible you feel some effect but you may not notice anything significant unless it makes a hard aspect (including a conjunction) to a planet, angle, vertex or node. As relayed to me, it was a shock to him. She felt she was being fair because a few weeks prior, she clearly communicated the issues she saw in the relationship, along with suggestions on how to make things better. He listened and said he would try to change the behaviour that most upset her, and then never made any effort to change. She was willing to adjust her expectations but he was not meeting her halfway. The fact that he did not try at all was the last straw, because this showed he didn't value her. His sun and south node fell in her natal 2nd house, and his converse progressed mercury right on the cusp of her natal 2nd house, so he had a greater effect on her sense of self-worth than usual. She kept in touch with him for a couple months after that via phone and text, to see whether they may function better as friends. It was difficult because she felt he wasn't making an effort to stay in touch with her and was distant during their conversations, despite verbally saying he wanted to stay friends. Finally, as neptune crossed the composite descendant, 4-5 months after they met, her feelings for him changed permanently as she reflected on his behaviour and felt he was not at the man he pretended to be in the beginning. It was clear to her she did not want him in her life as either a friend or a lover. With the direct motion of neptune, she was able to think clearly and let him out of her heart and mind.
Mel H
10/8/2020 06:58:45 pm
This reminded me of my composite with my most recent ex-boyfriend. We had neptune pretty close to the descendant and venus square neptune. The composite mars was exact on my sun and the composite moon exact on my 8th house cusp. I know it meant something to him to as the composite vertex was exact on his descendant. It touched me deeply and transformed me, affected me on levels I never experienced before. Neptune can be beautiful at first but the dream ends. The loss can be shattering as someone you thought you knew is nothing like who he really is. He lied about so many things I lost track of them, but I also ignored things I shouldn't have that could have clued me in sooner. Oh well, it was beautiful while it lasted. I wish I could have ended it before it turned sour but I know there is a bigger timing to everything. I broke up with him when transiting saturn made an exact conjunction to my 7th house ruler, transiting uranus made a conjunction to my 7th house dispositor and the transiting south node was a just a few degrees from my descendant. The breakup was spontaneous and unexpected. Things had rapidly gone downhill in just a few weeks, maybe owing to the composite chart uranus square the MC.
Samantha Samuels
10/10/2020 07:00:19 pm
That's a perfect example of the divine timing evident in all of our lives. Things happen right when they are meant to, not on the clock we wish life would operate on. As well, the karma has to play itself out as planned. Sometimes we recognize intellectually things will not work out, yet we are in relationships where we know its not the right timing to leave because there is still a karmic connection. The relationship will end when the karma is over for this particular life.
10/9/2020 07:05:08 pm
In your experience, do composite charts usually reflect how both people feel in the relationship? I've had close mars conjunct venus aspects with some women in the composite who I knew were interested in me but I didn't find them sexually attractive and had no desire to romance them. There were some aspects in there I felt resonated with my view of those women and the relationship we did have (an acquaintance or a co-worker) and some aspects I didn't really notice in any obvious way.
Samantha Samuels
10/10/2020 09:03:37 pm
The composite chart doesn't necessarily reflect how both people feel about the relationship or the other person, though chances are if they are already in an established relationship (family, co-workers, friends, acquaintances) then at least one person may feel the way the aspect describes. Of course, accounting for the fact that an aspect will function differently depending on the nature of the relationship and the demographics of the people involved. Aspect expression is modified by factors such as age, race, gender, socioeconomic status, culture, citizenship, language, and sexual orientation. If thinking in terms of romance, many other factors play a role, one of the major ones being overall desirability. When one person is a lot more desirable (beauty, intelligence, charisma, profession, wealth, family or social status etc.) then they may not be attracted to the less desirable person even with tight aspects normally causing romantic or sexual attraction such as venus-mars, moon-venus, mars-moon, venus-pluto or 5th house and 8th house exchanges. As well, if the person isn't looking for a relationship, or is happily married, they are less likely to notice this energy or act in ways that would convey they feel it.
7/30/2021 01:25:11 am
Hi. in mine and my partners composite chart, our sun is at 18° in pisces, and ascendant is at 22° in scorpio. since these degrees have the reputation to be violent and unfavourable, does it mean that breaking up with him is the best option ? we have been together for 5 years now, and these degrees i found out a week ago, is weighing on me. Wonderful article by the way, would appreciate a response.
Samantha Samuels
7/30/2021 07:01:25 pm
I don't believe these are negative degrees. There are a few fixed stars that are known to be difficult such as algol, at 26 degrees taurus but I haven't noticed anything with the degrees you mentioned. I would study the synastry and composite charts in more detail, to see whether the good aspects outweigh the complications. You may consider progressed and solar arc planets to the natal as well.
8/14/2021 03:47:34 am
hi. first of all i really appreciate that you took your time to respond. it was famous astrologer nikolas who developed the theory that the 22nd and 18th degree is kill or be killed , and violent . i was especially worried since im only 21, studying and my boyfriend is a different religion. where i live it is not preferred for inter religious connections. you have eased my anxiety greatly. also, we do have difficult aspects- sun square pluto, neptune square mc, neptune square north node , these are closest to orb, rest are trine and sextile, or after orb 5. but i really dont know the sextile is bad or good. we also have a YOD and several cradles in our birth chart. does that make it worse? also, i am new to astrology so, i may not have given accurate information- forgive me for that. thanks, again.
Samantha Samuels
8/14/2021 06:53:15 pm
The aspects you mentioned are difficult but it would have to be taken into context of the entire synastry and composite picture, of which I am not aware of so can not comment on the feasibility of the relationship. On its own, Sun square Pluto will cause power struggles, Neptune square the MC and nodes causes you to see the other person unclearly, as would any hard Neptune aspect. The fact that the other aspects are trines and sextiles also does not mean anything without considering the planets involved. You would have to have important connections including the Sun, Moon, Nodes, Vertex, Sun-Moon midpoint, and Venus among others for a long-lasting, healthy and meaningful relationship.
8/14/2021 11:40:49 pm
such a relief. i am grateful to have received immediate response. we do have sextile aspects, like
Vicky J
9/13/2021 03:50:09 pm
Hello, what do you think of this situation?
Vicky J
9/13/2021 03:56:18 pm
I meant to say our composite node is in the 7th and our composite moon is in the 9th. We also have a lot of plutonian contacts too in synastry.
Samantha Samuels
9/15/2021 08:27:35 pm
What an intersting story Vicki, thank you for sharing. The relationship aspects do sound promising, although much depends on the transits and eclipses to the composite charts, with regards to the future of the relationship and its unfolding of karma over time. Don't analyze it too much, pay attention to your intuition because at the start of a relationship, people tend to over emphasize the romantic aspects and under emphasize the argumentative aspects, or aspects that highlight challenging and intense emotions. When they look at it again after the break up, they see a more holistic picture, because the negative aspects are more easily noticed. I am happy for you to enjoy this relationship in the present moment, and appreciate this beautiful time spent together.
1/16/2022 07:33:49 pm
Interesting post.
Samantha Samuels
11/23/2022 03:28:56 am
I think you mean composite sun, mercury, mars and venus in the 1st house opposing the moon in the 7th house. Planets in the 1st and 7th houses of the composite add romantic intensity to a couple, and assist in longevity. This is the axis of marriage and longer term partnerships as opposed to the 5th house which is more short term. You would have to consider the chart as a whole to see this in context but when people are on good terms, this adds to the strength of the bond in that the people feel more of an urge to spend time together one on one and they derive more meaning and significance in a way that impacts them at a deeper level.
11/22/2022 09:20:11 pm
Brilliant article thank you so much for publishing. I'm wondering if you have any thoughts on composite Saturn making a conjunction to natal moon?
Samantha Samuels
11/23/2022 03:22:48 am
I’m glad you found it helpful. Saturn conjunct the moon will make it hard to share your genuine feelings with the other person, perhaps for fear they won’t understand you or try to change a problematic behaviour, or you believe that you will feel judged or treated differently. You may not feel validated when you share your true thoughts and feelings. Sometimes there can be a lack of emotional warmth and difficulty expressing affection. On the positive side, this can lend a sense of duty and responsibility, a feeling that the other person is always there for you no matter what. Love may not be verbally or physically expressed as much through hugs, kisses and affirmations but shown through actions. You have an expectation you will be helped in times of need. The closer the orb of this aspect in the composite and whether it repeats in synastry or the marriage or first date chart will also influence how much you feel this saturn in hard aspect to the moon.
12/4/2022 10:38:31 pm
Hi! Great information. I’m wondering about oppositions. We have a sun conjunct mercury in Aquarius in 10th opposite a moon Venus conjunction in Leo 4th house- the mars in Libra 7th is in a T square with both oppositions. Please anyone have any insight?
Samantha Samuels
12/5/2022 05:54:47 pm
The moon venus conjunction is a super sweet aspect for couples. But with 4 personal planets squaring mars there will be quite a bit of arguing and debating, leading to battles often. The t square itself is an aspect full of tension and stress, but with mars involved it amplifies it. Hopefully the orbs are not too close.
kay jones
12/5/2022 09:24:20 pm
Wow. Thank you! we also have Uranus right conjunct Neptune smack on the mid heaven. Uranus in wide opposition to moon as well. we got together made it official in July during the eclipse. we knew eachother in childhood. Thanks so much!
3/23/2023 12:35:02 pm
How would it affect someone if their natal moon is conjunct the composite Saturn?
Samantha Samuels
10/1/2023 02:21:25 pm
Very difficult emotionally, feeling that you can't openly express intimacy and affection. A feeling of having to watch what you say to a high extent for fear of being misunderstood, rejected or judged. Duty and responsibility dominate, rather than playfulness and laughter. If you have a hard aspect between moon and saturn natally, it may not be as difficult because you are familiar with the energy.
3/27/2023 10:34:12 pm
Is 7th house Saturn in cancer opposing a Capricorn stellium ( moon Venus mercury conjunction) in a T square with 10th house Libra Pluto a deal breaker for marriage?
Samantha Samuels
10/1/2023 02:18:07 pm
If you mean this in synastry or composite, yes that is a highly challenging configuration but it's not impossible depending on the rest of the synastry/composite. I don't think I would want that in an intimate relationship due to the drama and instability.
7/29/2023 04:18:34 pm
Is there any way to post a composite chart? Someone reading our chart said the composite is closer to my ex… he’s done a lot of push and pull and I don’t get it if the composite is closer to him then why is he the one running away
Samantha Samuels
10/1/2023 02:16:06 pm
I don't have the capability for readers to post charts on this website. I'm not sure if this answers your question but when the composite chart has planets and angles that are closely aspecting your natal planets, you identify with the relationship more personally. For example, if the composite venus is at 10 degrees taurus and your natal mars is at 10 degrees of the fixed signs, or close in orb, that will have more of a personal influence on you.
10/1/2023 12:47:55 pm
Samantha Samuels
10/1/2023 02:13:03 pm
There will definitely be significant changes to the relationship but the nature of it depends on the transits. I've seen many cases where the people were getting along but then an eclipse completely reversed it and they did not see it coming. Hard uranus, pluto, neptune and saturn aspects tend to bring huge arguments, separations and sometimes divorces. If there are easier aspects, it may be something nicer. You would also need to look at your chart and his chart individually to gain more information on whether it is more a beginning or ending.
10/17/2023 06:09:24 pm
Our composite vertex is Conjunct his sun. The Composite Sun, Mercury, Mars and Venus in conjunct his 10th house.
Samantha Samuels
10/18/2023 05:57:32 am
Yes, I think the relationship has a deep and significant meaning to him. The vertex and nodes involvement means it is a more karmic connection with things to be worked out. That can be somewhat difficult with the moon and saturn on the north node. Moon on the north node is nice but saturn conjunct either node is difficult to deal with.
4/13/2024 12:50:28 pm
Interesting article. What do you think about composite Mars and Moon exactly conjunct and exactly opposing Neptune. IS it very bad? That Mars Moon conjunction also trines Pluto (which conjuncts composite ASC) and sextiles Jupiter. Composite venus IS unaspected in 7th house (there IS Only wide trine to Neptune - 8 degrees). In synastry WE have double whammy Mars Moon square. IS this no go in your opinion? My natal Sun conjuncts composite Mars Moon conjunction, his natal Sun sits exactly on composite descendant and composite venus sextiles our natal venuses. It was very intense shortlived romance, more than 20 years ago, but it seems that neither of us can not forget each other.
4/13/2024 08:32:45 pm
Hi! So tell me… is a 12th house aries stellium a no out the gate? Sun, moon mars conjunction ? Moon opposite 6th house Libra Uranus and mars opposite 5th house Libra Pluto? I knw I know … sounds awful but can’t we be playing out fated love? I’m getting back with my x from 20 years ago
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